Monday, March 29, 2010

Live Laugh Love

Our lives are to short,
To waste it with some sadness,
So with every step you take,
Spread some gladness.

When we're all together

We all have fear,
we all have tears.

We all have sadness ,
and want to take away the badness .

We all have love
something the whole world thinks of.

We're the same in some ways,
we have good and bad days .

But when we're all together,
we're stronger in any weather.

Nick Hope

Kayla (sister)

People person


Summer is awesome
My birthday is in June
The birds and bees sing

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Miles, Miles, Miles, and Miles to Go!

Oh how I hate running running the mile, sometimes it takes my brain awhile. To file. How stuiped the mile is. I mean who cares how long it takes us to run around a track, over and over, and over, and over again? When I run the mile it feels like it will never end! The mile dosent feel like 1 mile it feels like many miles long. It is so much tortcher, and pain, and so wrong! And I hate the mile, it dissolves my smile:)


We Love Basketball

Basketball is
Awesome and
Sweet. The
Key is to win. People
Egging you on
To win the
Basketball game
All your teammates
Lying down to rest. They all
Love basketball.

Short poem

Every school day I am bored.
Every school day I die a little more.


The Chance Called Life

The wind in my hair
The trees everywhere
The moon,
not in sight,
This is a day,
not a night,
To be heard
Is to not be seen,
But to be listened to.
Beneath what lies within our hearts,
Is glorious love,
There are lives out there,
Dependent on nature for a way of living,
Yet not the nature like trees, and plants,
But the nature in the glorious love,
And the glorious Faith.
No matter what we learn from our lives,
The most important thing,
Is to keep living,
Even if that means giving up what is ours to save a land,
Or hoping for others to work out there plans,
Or living in sync, but trying to see the reality in life,
Well, you know what I mean,
Like when daffodils bloom in the summery tomb of the rich, and soft soil,
The only thing there to be separating the stem from the ground beneath him.
But life is not to be taken for granted,
If you look at an angry, or sad person,
They take it as not an advantage at all.
I take life as a chance to prove myself,
My words can have depth, or be as shallow as the little puddle that I saw,
This morning, yet there was not a rain for miles,
Why is there dew on the beautiful roses,
Why are there petals such a bright, but dark maroon,
With the wind in my hair,
With the moon here in sight,
This plentiful day,
Has turned into a night.


Summer is awesome
Hot summers, blue skys, cold drinks
Perfect summer day

The Pie Guy

Hello guy you got some pie on your thigh.
Hello guy you will die without some pie off your thigh.
Hello guy you will fly if you don't die without pie off your thigh.
Hello guy you haven't eaten any pie, oh my, oh my.
Hello guy what kind of pie?
Hello guy would you like fry pie?
Hello gut did you say you'd rather die?
Hello guy then don't have any pie.
Hello guy or do you want some pie?
Hello guy you don't want pie?!
Hello gut you could've just said so.
Noah T.

The Raccoon

Date: January 1st 2010 midnight

On New Years I was at my friends house having a party and then Karri , Max and Eddy's mom said go outside and sled at the neighbors.
Max said OK guys lets go.
Karri said bring Foxy (there dog).
So we were putting I was the first one done and I went outside and laid in the snow. Everyone was ready and we were walking in deep snow which stunk we all fell a couple times. Once we got there was a perfect sliding hill they had snowboards I grabbed one and went done it I went off the ramp to a 180 and then I hit a tree.
Max and Eddy were laughing they sledded down, and Foxy started barking so we went down to see what was going on and there was the biggest raccoon I ever saw ever and then Foxy and the raccoon started fighting but Foxy was bigger so she grabbed it the neck, CRACK CRACK!
Me and Eddy were tyring to stop it but the raccoon heads cracked open when I stuck out my stick and the you could tell it was dead.
Foxy dragging by the head CRACK, I started puking cause that was a little to extreme for me so tackled foxy and held her down. Max grabbed the raccoon and buried it the snow and foxy couldnt find it. So I left and I came back the next week and I was driving home with them from a soccer game.
Max said we found a bunny we have to cover up though cause it broke it's leg so as we got there they opened it and I saw the.....RACCOON! blood was going down the garage. So J.R decided to make us take it in the trash.
So we took it down. The next day we went to go get the trash and we looked in it a pool of blood was in it and the raccon was floating. Then I went home and I was'nt going to my house for a while.

My Spring

Spring, spring, oh wonderful spring,
It makes me want to sing,
While I eat my chicken wing.

In the Spring I have a friend,
His name is Mr. Ben,
He has a special friend that is a wren,
And oh, by the way, he is a hen.

In the spring the leafs on the trees are blooming green,
All the flowers make such a beautiful seen.

Maddie r.


If the sky is bright
I am flying a kite.

If the air is warm
it just might storm.

When the grass is green
the air is clean.

Brandon K


Finally Spring's here,
bringing flowers and Sunshine.
Can't wait for Summer!

Things to basketball

Bounce the ball
Kicked out of the game because of 6 fouls
Best player
Air ball

Roller coaster

My life, My life
A roller coaster
Up, down, side, side
No stopping
No turning back
Which roller coaster will I take?
The story of my life.

By:Grace M.


Spring is time for growth
The leaves are back on the trees
The flowers have come back.

It's Spring!

It's spring! It's spring!
What a wonderful thing!
There are robins chirping,
and people singing.
There are bright colors,
and children playing.
It's spring! It's spring!
What a wonderful thing!

Olivia W.

Mr. Snail

Mr. Snail slithered out to get his mail

But he stumbled across a dog's furry tail.

The dog’s tail was full of wiggly lice

Which Mr. Snail mistook for white rice.

So he called his best pal, Mr. Ant

Who came to dine with Mr. Snail and brought a side of eggplant.

Stop, Drop and Roll!

Stop, Drop and Roll
is what you do when
fire is burning through
Don't let someone
help you
or they might have fire burning
through them, too.
So Stop, Drop and Roll or
this could happen to you.

David W.


Ducks in a puddle
They hurried in a scuddle
To a bigger lake

A Bird in the Sky

The earth is round
My life is bound
Forever to the ground

I envy the birds
Who fly in great herds
As they look down on us from above

The pigeons take flight
With great speed and might
Spying on us from incredible height

The hawks gracefully glide
With the speed of a tide
As they were on an air slide

The eagles fly up in the air
With wing strokes ever so fair
As they all just look down and stare

In the sky the crows soar
As they are followed by many more
Until they seem to be charging to war

So I ask, why cant i fly
The answer is simple
For I have no wings

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Beautiful is Back

S inging birds
P etunias

R aining over head
I ce is gone
N ature returns
G reen grass

Ian C.


When i'm in the forest
I feel as if the
trees are singing and the
leaves are sighing and the
wind is flowing and then
I feel as if the
trees are cheering to me

love sick

His eyes are light in me that sparkles.
His voice is like bells ringing of love.
His heart beats of love and then
I think i'm in love and then so is he.


Flowers bloom in Spring
Purple, Yellow, Green, and Blue
Make your yard pretty.


umbrellas at the beach
music concerts
motor boats
everybody's having fun
really great time

Friday, March 26, 2010

Sick of Being Sick

I'm sick of being sick,
obviously I'm ticked.

All I want to do is sleep,
but I can't help to just weep.

When I go to the toilet to upchuck,
I get a taste in my mouth that makes me say yuck.

I'm almost well,
but I just fell.

But that's a different story,
and I don't want this to get boring,


Mean laugh
Out of order

My Life

Drums are my life,

Nothing will fear me.

Drums are my life,

They really don't hate me.

Drums give my heart rhythm,

Without them I will perish.

Kevin and Frog

There once was
a boy named Kevin
he was 11
he loved his
dog named Frog
but Frog ate
some smog
he got sick
didn't want
to pick
pain or go to the
Vet he
bet the vet
would give him
a shot
but a robot
gave him the shot
the robot went
on his way
to get his pay
Frog was mad
but really sad
he got a new
toy from his
boy Kevin who
was 11

Sunny Day!

There is a lot to do,
before the clock strikes two.
But today is a nice day, so I'm going out to play.
My mom gets mad, then I pretend to be sad.
I'm so wise, what a surprise!

Mall Time

My friend Marissa
and my other Alyssa,
went to the mall
to buy a baby doll.


Drummers are wonderful people.

Riding the rhythm of rock.

Users of the drum prepare for great rhythm.

Most do it with luck.

Most people drum in bands.

Enter with no fear.

Riders of the rhythm.

Soon will welcome you to the club.


My name is Jake Spencer. I just moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming from New York City, New York. I think Cheyenne is a boring compared to New York City. I think the people here are way too nice. My house is right next to the Game Stop store but they mostly just have used games. Also, my birthday is next week so I hope my parents get me a PS3 because that is just about the only game system that Game Stop has good games for.
One day when I woke up and headed to school on the bus, a bully named Bob sat right next to me and kept hitting me! "STOP!", I yelled. After school, I had track practice until 4:15 p.m. Then when I got home I had hockey, and at my hockey game we won 6-4 against the best team in the league. Since we beat the best team, we were able to play in the championship game on Thursday night. At the game, my younger brother Carson fell on a chair and split his head open. He had to have six stitches and have his skin glued. My Dad had to leave the game early and our neighbor Matt had to take the rest of my family home after the game. After that I went to sleep because I was very tired from such a long day. My day started with a bully named Bob and ended with a victory at hockey. I guess Cheyenne, Wyoming isn't so bad after all!

From A Teachers Perspective

Today at school the teachers
thought they ruled

They thought things like
"We're the best!" While the
students thought things like
"Their all pests!"

They made us take quizzes and
do our homework

Would all of you teachers stop
acting like jerks?!


Oh,I don't like you
Your no fun at all, it's true
Oh winter your so cold
You make people smell like mold
Oh winter your so white
You make me want to get in a fight
Oh winter your so bad
You make little kids very very sad
Oh winter your so mean
You hurt us like a tooth ache from a jellybean
Oh winter your so cruel
You and me it's on, were going to have a duel


Rhyming, Rhyming, its hard to do.
Instead of rhyming you can do a haiku.
Rhyming, Rhyming, what to say.
Haiku, Haiku, is the way.

The Slimey Slippery Snake

The slithering slimy snake skates his way out of the wet jungle and into the slime colored sky
singing his sweetly silly song all the way to the boiling sun. All while sweating and smiling with his sloppy teeth and slippery slobber filled tong slipping through his mouth.

mean jeans

I had a dream
that my jeans where mean
so i screamed
" jeans are mean,"

Macy M


Geeks geeks, they have big cheeks, they climb mountain peaks, geeks geeks they reeks.

I Don't Care

I don't care you see I'm not a bee
you need to see I'm not a bee
you notice me I'm not a bee
I'm not a bee so don't tell me!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Riding Expierence

"Dad can we ride our bikes today"?

"Hmm, sure why not".

So then I woke up my brother and sister. We all got our clothes on, loaded our bikes in the trunk and were ready to go. We all got in the car and went to the gas station to get some air in our tires.

We then drove to the empty parking lot. Unloaded our our bikes and zoom, my brother and sister were off. Just my luck, as soon I got on I fell off.

We all rode for a while and then disaster struck. My brother was speeding around a corner when zip he fell off his bike. therefore skinning his knee.

My dad ran over to see what was all the ruckus and saw my brothers knee. He told my brother to stay calm and told all of us to get in the car. So we drove home and got him a band-aid. Before my brother went to bed I said "Good night sleep tight don't let the bed bikes bite". He didn't like it but he managed to make a faint smile before he went to sleep.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fun In The Sun!

Last year in 5th grade I went on vacation with my mom to Florida. We went there to visit my aunts, uncles, and cousins. The plane ride was atrocious. It was the first time I had ever been on a plane. I got the window seat- which is not good because I am afraid of heights. After my tantrum from sitting by the window I decided to take a nap. I woke up with my mom shaking me by the shoulder and hearing her voice.

"Wake up, we are here!"she said excitedly.

I groaned as she shook me once more. As we walked off the plane I could hear and see people shrieking, crying, and hugging. When I looked passed all of that my family was pushing their way through the crowd trying to meet us. When they finally made it to us we all shared hugs 'how are yous' and 'my goodness you've grown a lots'.

When we got to my aunts house I just wanted to lay down because my back was stiff from the 6 hour plane ride. By the time I was rested it was 9:30p.m., but in Florida the time is an hour later than Iowa, so technically it was 10:30p.m. I decided to go to bed early.

The next day I got up around 10:00ish. I moaned as I got out of bed because the first thing I felt was a sharp pain in the center of my back. I dragged my feet to the kithen table where my breakfast sat. I ate slowly trying to ignore the pain in my back. My family and I decided to go to the mall. Even though my back was hurting I was all for it. By the time everybody was ready it was about 1:30. When we were at the mall we went to a few stores but I didnt find anything. We ate lunch next and decided to finish shopping afterwards. When we were done my mom asked me a question.

"Where do you want to go next?" she asked.

"I dont care where do you want to go?" I replied.

"Well, lets go to Macys." she suggested.

"Okay, lets go." I said.

When we were done at Macys we went back to my aunts house. I took a shower and then went to relax on the couch. Thats when I thought of my one of my uncles. My uncle passed away when I was in 4th grade, of heart disease. I miss him very much. He was a kind, humorous, and loving person. I remembered when my uncle, my brothers, and I would sit on the couch and watch T.V. By the time I was done daydreaming it was passed 7:30p.m. I walked to my room slugishly and climbed into bed. This was the 2nd day of my vacation.

The next day of my vacation we just stayed at my aunts house and relaxed. My aunt has a pool in her backyard so my cousins and I decided to go swimming. We swam for so long I thought my fingers and toes were going to be wrinklely forever! After all the smimming my muscles were sore so I decided to relax and watch some T.V.

The last day of my vacation my family and I decided to go to the beach. I loved the way the sand slipped through my toes, to feel the water on my skin, and the sun on my face. I was soaking up some vitamin D when I thought of my uncle again. I thought that it would be fun if he was here. But I knew he is in a better place and that someday I will see him again.

I had a fabulous time in Florida. I was happy to see all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was hard for me to have fun without my uncle but I knew he would want me to have a good time. Besides missing my uncle, this was the best vacation I have ever had!!!

Aly M.

My Head!

As i sat there wondering what I could do. What I could do to save the day from being boring. So I got up, and walked to my mom and dad's room witch is right down the hall from mine. When I got there i took a seat at the computer desk. Sitting there made me realize i wanted to go swimming.

"Stefanie?!" I yelled. Trying to find my sister to see if she wanted to go to the pool. Finally i found her. Luckly she wanted to go. So we found our mom and asked her if she could take us and she said she would be able to after she was done reading her e-mail.

My sister Stefanie and I sat in the car for about 15 minutes before my mom came out and aw the terrible accident Stefanie caused. She dropped me on my head! "OW!" I cried practically drenched in blood. My mom couldn't belive what had happened! Finally she got her act together and drove me to the hospital.

As we pulled up to the hospital, i was still in pain from what happened to my head earlier. We rushed in to the E.R. and they put me in a wheel chair. Rolling down the hall, they finally stopped and pushed my chair into his itty bitty room. They gave me an apple juice and some weird looking medicine. I think the medicine was numbing stuff. So they put me to sleep and about an hour later... I woke up with two staples in my head!

I was completely scared. I started to breathe really hard and BAM! i woke up. Turns out, it was just a dream.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Shooting Star

One hot summer day in 2007 was the day I got to go to Adventure Land!

I woke up bright and early then I ate breakfast, got dressed, and got some money.

DING-DONG! The door bell rang. That was my ride. I said goodbye to my mom and dad.

I got into my friend's car and drove off. While my friend and I where in the car we talked about what rides we were going to go on. Katie said, "We are going to get in for free!"

"Really?", I said in excitement.

"Ya?", Katie answered.

"Well I don't know what rides are there because last time I went there I was like 6 or 7.", I said in disappointment

"That's okay.", claimed.

Before we could a say another word the car came to a stop. "We're here!", her mom urged.

We walked in and got on all the rides we saw. We went on the silly silo, I forgot the name but it's when you're in a log in the water, and that's all the ones I can describe.

We ate lunch and Kaci said, "Wanna go on on the Shooting Star?"

"Ah, I hate hights.", I said, ashamed of myself.

"Oh, it's okay, please come on!!", she said with joy.

"Oh, okay.", I replied

So we went the ride. And I had so much fun! So, we spent more of the day going on rides that I was scared of. Like the Ferris Wheel, Space Shoot or whatever it's called, and someother rides.

And that was when I conquered my fear of hights!

Good Bye

It was cool having a Marine brother. I could tell people my brother was a Marine, and could beat them up. But no one wants their brother to go to war. I don't like to talk about things like that. In fact, I don't like talking about sad things at all. I just want to be happy,and the people around me to be happy too. And this is where the story begins, my brothers in the Marines, and was about to be shipped of to Iraq. I try not to think about that, but that's a hard thing to do.

It was 4th period. And I was in math. Every so often my eyes flicker to the clock. Today is the day Carrick is going to Iraq. I've dreaded this day ever since Carrick became a Marine. After math, I would be leaving to go see Carrick off. When I heard the words, "You may go", my heart stopped. I walked to my locker in a trans like state. Thinking about how I have said,"Good bye", to Carrick to many times. Right when I got to the front office, my mom was walking through the doors. Before I knew it we were at the air port. We walked to the area where we weren't allowed passed. The area were I've said,"Hi",and,"Good bye", to Carrick before. After the hugs and fake laughs, Carrick said,"Well I have to go", and every one said bye Carrick. Watching him walk away was the hardest part. By then, my mom is wiping away tears, and my sister turned away to cry. My other brother and I standing there with blank expressions. My dad just trying to comfort every one.

Things were almost normal after Carrick left. Almost. Every one asked about Carrick. Of course they would get the whole story from my mom. It was getting on my nerves. We would get the usual Skype from Carrick now and then. I was the one who spoke to Carrick the least, because it got uncomfortable between us when we had nothing to say.

Before we knew it, we got the word that Carrick was coming home! It was on Feb 19 (my other brothers birthday) when Carrick got home. We went to the base camp to wait for Carrick, because that's were hes going first. We mostly waited(very boring)for them to arrive. We got briefed on what they did over in Iraq. After a couple hours, the bus was here! They filled in and were released to us! When we found Carrick, I hugged him and said,"Welcome home".

Grace M.

Taming The Dragon

Once when I was 8 I went to Adventureland for my birthday. I was there with mom, my friend Cade and my cousin Mitchell. We walked by lot of great rides but half way through the trip we passed the Dragon, one of the three roller coasters.
"hey Cody," Mitchell called
"do you want to go on the Dragon?" he asked.
"sure" I said eagerly.
" I want to come too!" Cade called
We went all tall enough to ride. Cade and I sat together. When we where at the top of the hill I looked down and realized I had made a terrible mistake. we where so high I couldn't even smell the hot dogs!We went soaring down the hill and instantly my head was pinned to my chest. I looked over at Cade and his head was pinned to his chest too. But it was over before I knew it. When I got off my legs were shaking like I would collapse at any moment. I was scared to do it again. But 2 years later I got the courage to do it again and this time I loved it!! And now to this day I still love the Dragon.

Cody m.

My Big Break!

There once was a girl who's dream was to become a famous actress/model. She knew her dream wouldn't come true that easily, so she worked hard to achieve it. Here is her story...

"Hey there all you want to be soon to be somebodies! Are you ready for a life changing experience? Do you want to be our next big success story? Well if you are interested in dancing, singing, modeling, or acting then this is the place to be! We will be in front of Dillards at Jordan Creek Mall auditing you! Yes that's right I said you!" I hear the lady's voice on the radio say. I nearly had a heart attack right then in there! I was in complete shock, my knees started to get weak and that's when I freaked.
"OMG!!!" I scream.
"Quite down can't you hear? I'm trying to use the phone!" My mom hollers back at me.
Shes probably on the phone with the child support people. My dad is that type of guy whose really tight with his money that means he thinks he can get away with $44 a week and not $634 a month, i mean i am worth billions! Its like cm on, you know ? Well anyway I wait for her to get off the phone and than tell her about everything.
"Guess what!" I say
"What is it this time?"
"I was listening to the radio like always when I get bored and they had a commercial type thing and they are having a Casting Call in front of Dilards at Jordan Creek Mall! And I was wondering if I could do it?
She just looks at me for a couple seconds. "I know I can! Remember those beauty competitions from when I was a little girl? And..." She cut me off as I blurted out my pride and determination.
"Yes its ok I will take you, and yes i do remember the beauty competitions from when you were a little girl."
"Really!?" I shouted I already knew the answer I was just so surprised that she didn't say "Its a scam you know it I know it and your not going! All they want is our hard earned money and I'm not going to fall for it anymore and that is final!" Instead she was supportive and actually cared about my dreams.

The next day I wake up and get dressed, take a shower, brush my pearly whites, get dressed do my hair, eat breakfast, and walk out the door. Its a pretty simple routine I think but my mom says I take long showers I just love the hot water that's all! But I don't care it is true so at least shes not lying.

When we get there it isn't packed yet there are still people there. There are about ten people when I get there and they are pretty friendly. I look around I see into Dillards (of course I see into Dillards I am right in front of it) I also see happy teenagers laughing and smiling. I am about to freak when my friend Taliyah calls me and I hear my ring tone. Justin Bieber's new song Baby featuring Ludacris! I love that song and the reason why I freak is because I get way to excited and keep wishing I could meet him which only makes me more determined to live my dream! My dream is to be a famous Actress and Model I know I can model and I really know I can act (I get the acting from my dad and I get my good looks from my mom!).

I am really nervous and I am starting to shake. A man in a suit who works there hands me a yellow sheet of paper and a white sheet of paper. The yellow sheet I need to fill out it asks questions like How old are you? What are you interested in? Do you have a flexible schedule? Just simple easy quick questions. But on the white piece of paper, all I need to do is just read it. The whit paper talks about what the Casting Call is all about and on the back it has several scripts on it. Soon the man in the suit calls me up to the camera and I have to read one of the scripts that was on the back of the paper. I read the one that advertises a hair product I'm not positive what the name is. Next I go and stand by the railing we are on the second floor of the mall so I can look down and I can see people that I don't know.

I finally get called to talk to three scouts. Two lady's and one man, the man is the photographer, the other two lady's are the main scouts. The man is tall with a really indescribable hairdo but I really like it, one of the other lady's had black hair and it was long and pretty the other lady had shoulder length red hair. They made me walk back and forth for modeling all I really needed to do was walk slower but other than that they said I had great confidence and that I was really cute! The lady with the red hair had a southern accent, I noticed that when she talked to me.
" Do you get blotchy when your nervous?" says the lady with red hair.
"Sweetie there is nothing to be nervous about, your doing great so far." I giggle after she finishes. Next the guy starts to ask me questions.
"Do you do good in school?" Says the man who I don't know the name of.
"Yes pretty good when I try to."
"Very good. Now are you able to travel constantly on weekends?"
"Yes and I can occasionally miss some school if you want. I am all for that!" They giggle at my response and then give me a callback! A callback is when you get called back for a certain event such as the one I was participating in.

When we go to the callback we are in a conference room with the three talent scouts, the man in the suit who video taped me doing the 'commercial' and about twenty something different people who had also got called back. The scouts show us a power point that shows us what the cruise few of us twenty somthing different people get to go on it turns out there is another dangerous round and its the almost final round. They also tell us how the people who get to go on the cruise are pretty lucky because only three-hundred fifty people across the united states get to attend this special event. The main reason why this event is so special is because its on a cruise from Miami, Florida to some place in Mexico and eighty agents from across the world will be there and some of the worlds top thirty agents will be on the cruise also! They told us if we made the final cut then they will call us later!

I wait a good three or four hours until the phone fianally rings and I don't think anything of it because it had been such a long time but it was one of the scouts and they called to tell us I made the final cut my mom smiled at me and I went in my room and texted all my friends and told them how my life is becoming awesome but I was forgetting the main problem... money. We cant afford over Three Thousand dollars that includes airfare, our cabin on the cruise, portfolio, head shots, and plenty more!

When I go to the final callback its just me and two other people at a hotel in a meeting room. The scouts talk to us individually and give us a ton of paperwork and talk about the cruise and one scout highly suggested that I take workshops she didn't sound rude she was actually really helpful and gave me good tips after all I think she was a former model herself !

This was a life changing experience and a 100% true story that I loved living out! I am hoping on going on the cruise but with the costs of it all we are looking for a local modeling agency (I've found three so far!) and acting agencies (I only found one.)! I am looking forward to what my soon-to-be career has in store for me! Who knows maybe I might get lucky and meet Justin Bieber after all!

Trip To Omaha

About a year ago my mom and my dad asked me if I wanted to go to a soccer camp.

''It's 5 days 4 nights.'' my mom said.
''Sure'' I said.
They said, ''That two people on my soccer team were going Brady and Jacob.
My dad said ''Jacob was going to be my roommate. I was so excited.

My dad was driving me up to Creighton soccer camp. We pulled into my room it was very dumpy. It had 2 beds, a little desk, a sink, and a dresser. I had to bring a lot of my own stuff the camp made me a list. Then my roommate Jacob showed up. We found Brady and went to the auditorium. They assigned you a team we were all on Brazil. The first day was meeting the team. The soccer field was about a mile away so about 3 times a day we had to walk there and back. Everyday we would wake up at 6:30 eat breakfast and go to the auditorium. We would meet up with are team and go to the fields. We would eat lunch about 12:30 and dinner about 6:00.
Everyday was like that. The only thing different was about every other day we would watch soccer video for about an hour or so. The 3rd day we tested how high you could jump, how fast you are, how fast dribbling you are , how hard you could kick and more.
The last day was the best we scrimmaged and did foot skills. We played a 5v5 tournament and my team won. Over all Creighton was a fun time. I can't wait for next year.

My first time in a different country

In the summer of 2009 my dad,my sister and I went on a trip to Mexico.I didn't know what it was like in a different country.

At the air port in West Des Monies we were getting our tickets. It was time to give them our luggage,my dad said,"Don't take any breakable things because they would throw it around.I was worried about my cell phone.

When we got on the plane we had to walk through the pass way. When we got on the plane it was an hour and fifty nine minuet fly to Houston Texas. The whole plane ride I just read The Titans Curse. It felt weird flying off the ground,the last plane ride I had was when I was four years old.

When we landed at the Houston air port I could see all the houses and pools and trees. We had to wait there for 3 hours. All we did was eat and sit there. When we could finally board the plane it was a 2 hour fly to Cancun Mexico.I did the same thing read. We flew over the gulf of Mexico, when I saw land the water was light blue ,dark blue and green. I don't know why it was green water.

When we landed I saw people in bright orange and green jackets on the ground directing the air plane. We had to fill out a sheet that the pilot gave us. The line was huge to enter through the metal detector. When we got out there was a taxi waiting for us it was hot out!

I fell asleep in the taxi twice it was a 2 hour drive to Riviera Mia. When we got to the resort it was awesome! The bellhop took us to our room. The room had two beds a bathroom and a mini fridge.It also had a safe for our stuff. It was on the first floor. It was close to the ocean. Every night you can take a golf cart to restaurants The first night we went to and Italian restaurant. I had all different kinds of restaurants. Then we would wake up and go to breakfast.

My dad wanted to go swim with dolphins. So me and my two sisters went to go swim with dolphins you had to watch a video before you go. Finally we went in the water and they would pick us up on our feet and swim. After that we took a shower. They took pictures of us while we were swimming I also got some souvenirs from the gift shop. Then we took a taxi back to the resort.

We signed up for para sailing the water was very wavy that day. But the sky was blue a little windy my two sisters went up first. Then it was me and my dad when I got up 500 ft in the air I saw a weird dark shadow I thought it was a whale I was freaked out. But then I knew it was the reflection of the para sail. When we got down I told my sister I thought there was a whale. They said they thought it was a group of sharks.

We went back and spent the day on the beach I told my dad I wanted to go snorkeling. So only three of us went out. My older sister didn't want to It was raining out but we still went, we had to get out because my dad said,"At around dawn sharks come close to the shore line.

The Day My Friend's Dad Died

The Day My Friend’s Dad Died

I was at home sleeping on July 12 and my mom was calling me for breakfast.
“Hey Dmitriy, wake up its time to eat breakfast,” said Wanda.
“Ok! Ok!”
I got downstairs when my mom said,“Dmitriy do you want an egg or pop tart?”
“I will have eggs!”
My brother was just getting up and he wanted a pop tart. Later on in the day my brother and I were playing soccer outside when we found out the bad news. This is what happened at the place. Forty kids and their chaperones were at a beach in the country of El Salvador. They decided to swim in the Pacific Ocean even though there were no lifeguards. They didn’t know there was a strong riptide current.
Two kids went out into the current and got into trouble. They went out near the riptide even though they didn’t know there was one. They started to go under the water. Then Jim saw the two kids and started to go get the two kids. He helped them get to Christian, the main chaperone.
Jim started to subordinate under the water after getting the two kids to safety. Christian swam out to go get Jim. He tied a rope around his waist. He was being pulled in and they got him to shore. It was too late. Jim had swallowed too much water, and had drowned.
This was my first funeral. After the funeral we all grieved but after a while we got done grieving.

Dmitriy H

Monday, March 22, 2010

sibling rivalry

Since we were six, my cousin Hunter and I have fought each other to see who is the strongest, the fastest, and the best at video games. When I was nine I went to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving and Hunter was there, too. We were staying in a hotel with Hunter so a lot of fights happened. The first was at Halo 3. He challenged me, "I bet I can get further than you at this," said Hunter. "No way," I said. So we fought and I wont the game. Back at the hotel we went to the pool on the roof to go swimming, the water was freezing. "I dare you to jump in the pool," said Hunter. "I dare you to jump in the pool," I said. "Fine, we go together," said Hunter. "Fine," I said. "On the count of three," said Hunter. "One, two, three." He jumped and I didn't. I faked it and made him jump. The water was so cold he almost turned blue. It was so funny I nearly forgot to run and he pushed me into the hot tub face first. At the end of the vacation we played a game of tennis to decide who was the best. I was winning so Hunter got mad and hit the ball so hard it went over the fence, off the roof and on to the lower roof. Hunter went to get the ball and I told him to stop that we could get in trouble. My grandpa came out and I thought he was going to be in trouble. I was wrong, Grandpa wanted to make sure we were ok.


My first trip to Florida

I first went to Florida when I was 7 years old. I was so excited! We woke up at 2:00am in the morning to go to the airport. It was my first time flying on a plane so I was a little freaked out. We were going to Florida because we were taking a family vacation to Disney World. The hotel that we stayed at was right there in Disney World, it was called Pop Century Resort. I went to Disney World with my family, my grandma and grandpa, aunt, uncle, and cousin.

The first night of the trip was spent in downtown Disney. We played a lot of games and got to go on a few rides. The next day we went to Animal Kingdom. It felt like we were in an African Safari. We went on a safari ride where you got to see all different kinds of animals. We also got to go to a really cool attraction with dinosaurs. It was pretty noisy so we only stayed for a little while. One of my favorite things was getting my face painted at the park. My sister and I both got our faces painted. I got a gecko and a dinosaur on my face.

The following day we went to Magic Kingdom. This was a really fun place and I rode a ton of rides. When I was little I really liked Toy Story so I rode all the Toy Story rides! Magic Kingdom had really cool fireworks! The next day we went to Blizzard Beach to swim but we didn't get to do much since it started raining about an hour later. I didn't even get to go on any of the slides! Since we were rained out, we went over to Epcot. We went around to all the different countries and tried a bunch of different foods.

The last day of my trip was at MGM Studios. This was all about movies and was pretty fun. When we were done there we went back to the hotel and went swimming. The next morning we had to fly back home. I had a fun trip and would like to go back soon. We might go back to Disney World next spring break with my other cousins.

My Rabbit Scottie

Once I woke up one Monday morning, ready to go to school
so I got up, and went into the kitchen to make breakfest
then I saw my Mom standing next to Scottie's cage so I
thought," what's going on here".

Then my mom said "honey, can you go get your sister, please"
and then I nodded and went to go get my sister

and right when I closed the door to my bedroom I hear my sister screaming
so I rush out there, and I see my sister on her knees crying

"mom what's going on" "honey, your rabbit Scottie just died".
and then I just bursted into tears and me and mysister said
our final goodbyes

My first dog!

Have you ever wanted something so bad you had dreams about it or even day dreams about it. Well I Emma Gosnell have wanted a dog ever sense I was 6. So here's my story.
I was eight years old ,and it was a warm spring day. Then I was done with dreaming about dog. So I burst with winning.
"Please can I have a dog please, please , please!!!!"
If you don't know my mom. Then you don't know that she always says that we are never home to take care of it. But this time she said something different.
"Maybe if you get a A+ on your next spelling test then we can get a dog."
Right when she said that I ran upstairs to study. I ran into my pink colored room, and the big window was blinding me with all of the sunshine. I sat on my yellow and pink flowery quilt, and studied my butt off for an hour or two.
The next day i took the test, and all I could think about was what kind of dog to get.
When the teacher handed back our test. I looked at the score and it was an.......
A+! when I got my test back I yelled
" YES"
Really loud. Everyone looked.

When I walked through the door to my house. I smelled the smell of cooked spaghetti.
" Mom mom look what I got on my test. An A+ an A+"
My mom was so happy for me. I was so happy.

My mom told me that we can go look for a dog this weekend. At school I was just shaking in my chair. My best friend asked.
" Why are you so jumpy today all of a sudden."
Time passed and i marked on my calendar every day the day got closer to be getting my new dog.
Went my alarm clock. It was Saturday morning finialy. I rushed out of bed and flew to get dressed and to eat breakfast. Then I was out the door to get a dog!
When we got to the ARL we saw all of the most cutest dogs ever. I found lots of them I liked.

Finialy I chose a dog that was part based hound, Dausion, and part Beagle. it was really cute. He had based hound eyes, long body like a Dausion, and his color nose,and tail as a Beagle . I named him Gorgie.

I found out thit if you want something then work hard at it and you might get it.

Stranger Danger!

Eight years ago, when I was three, I was extremely petrified of people. I was living in Kansas City, Kansas with my two sisters and parents.

As I said, I was extremely terrified of people. I would scream and run behind my mom's leg anytime I saw someone.

Once, when we were at a park, a person strutted near us. I started wailing and screaming, even when the person was out of sight! It took my parents almost 10 minutes calm me down and to release my mom's leg.

When I started Pre-school, I walked inside, and darted straight back out to find my mom.
"It's alright," the teachers explained. "Don't worry! Pre-school is fun! We won't hurt you!"
"But I don't want to leave Mommy!" I screamed.
"Oh honey. How would you like it if I stayed here with you for half the day?" asked my mom.
So we walked inside, but I still played with my mom in the corner. Soon my mom had to leave, but before she did, some kids (soon to be my best friends) asked me if i wanted to play with them. So I agreed, and I had the BEST time!

A few months later, my family and I moved to where we are now- Iowa. It was a terrifying transition for me because of all of the people! Now I had another sister that was born in Kansas, so I wasn't the only one who screamed and cried!

In West Des Moines, I kept having a rush of loneliness, so I decided to make a change. When I started Kindergarten, I went over to people to try to have them be my friends. Soon, I had A LOT of friends!

I guess the point in this story is that you can do anything and overcome fear if you just set your mind to it.

Olivia W.

My Big Ride

When I was eight years old, in third grade, my cousin Lindsey was announcing her engagement with Jeromy. She was going to get married in November and my mom and me were invited to Virgina because my mom was one of the bridesmaids. I was so excited, until.... my mom said that we are traveling by plane.

I was very tense and panicky when I my mom said that we were traveling by plane. We were going to the airport in Kansas City because we were traveling with my Uncle Dave, Aunt Melissa, and there two kids Isabel and Nicholas. They live there so we thought it would be nice to travel together.
There house is colossal with a humongous backyard and a playground set. In there house are wooded floors, marble counter tops, and a comfy living room. When you walk in, on your left is a fireplace and cozy furniture facing the big t.v. I just love the warm felling in there house and the people in it.
Uncle Dave is my moms brother and is the youngest boy of the four. My mom is the only girl and is the youngest. Aunt Melissa is a noble aunt and is an even better godmother, same with my uncle Dave. My cousin Isabel is only two and is so adorable and sweet. She is chubby all over and only has a little bit of hair on her head. My cousin Nicholas is six and loves to play in the outdoors. He an amazing friend too. My mom is the most fantastic mother ever. She takes care of me and loves me. She is my hero!
On this November day, the tree's leafs are falling to the ground and are up to our knees. Nicholas and I were raking the leafs into pills and then Isabel, Nicholas, and I are jumping on them. My mom, Aunt Melissa, and Uncle Dave are sitting by the campfire to keep warm. It was night before we would go on the plane.My mom must have seen my troubled face and knew something was up.
She grabbed me by the arm and said," Everything is going to be fine.''
I responded,''Are you sure?''
''I am positive,'' she declared.
As I went to bed, I wondered about the plane. Is my mom right,will it be OK? What if something does go wrong and we crash?!?!?!?!?!?
At the airport, I was so scared I thought my socks would fall off!
''Honey, are you alright?'' she questioned.
''Yes, I'm alright,'' I proclaimed.
The room was crowded, I never imagined anything like this. I really didn't know what to expect.We had to wait in the hug front room for our flight to arrive. There was many things to see like the coffee shop, a store to get clothes, about three or four restaurants, and all of the people.
Finally, it was time to move to the place were we would get into the plane. My heart was racing, hoping I would have more time to get ready for the plane ride. Then a lady called out that it was time to go on the plane. I was holding my mom s hand was we slowly walk though the the narrow tunnel were the plane awaits us.
We finally get on the plane and I started to shiver while I looked around. I saw on my left the seats for the pilot and the co-pilot. Beside them were all these gadgets I don't know what for. Then, the kind lady took us to our seats by my family. W e put our bags in this little cabinet and I sat next to a window seat with my mom right next to me. Nicholas sat with his dad and Isabel sat with her mom.
The nice lady said on the speakers,''We will be taking of shortly so bulk your seat.''
Uh! My mom went into her big purse and pulled out two peaces of gum.
''You need to take a peace so you ears won't pop," my mom said.
POP?!? What , my ears popping ? I was confused but took it anyway.
''Are you excited?'' Melissa asked.
''Yes, a little nervous too,'' I exclaimed.
I took a peace of gum.
''Mm, bubble gum my favorite. Thanks mom,'' I said.
She smiled at me. My mom held my hand and the plane started to move up the track. The the ground rose and I started to squeeze my mom's hand. 3,2,1 and the plane flew up from the ground. We were going higher and higher up, at the same time I was chewing my bubble gum like my mom showed me. Finally, we were steady in the air.
''Whew!!!!!!!'' I said.
''Now was that so bad?''my mom questioned.
''No, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be,''I responded.
Then I liked around some more and saw a bathroom? That's weird! The whole plane was white except from the blue chairs. There had to have been 100 to 120 people seated in there!
The nice lady came to our seats and asked,'' Would you like a refreshment like water?''
''Yes please, thank you.''
''Your welcome,'' she answered.
We all talked about how awesome this was and about the wedding. Finally we reached the ground with a rumble. My uncle Dan, aunt Katie, and Jackelyn, there second daughter, were waiting for us, there also Lindsey s parents.
I pulled it together and overcome d my fear. I realized that I was only thinking of the negative things and not the positive. Now I know that I can't judge things by not trying them and what it's like to be on a plane!

Maddie r.

A Really Fun Weekend

One Friday this year, when we didn't have school. It was my friends birthday that day and we were going to Seven Oaks to go skiing, snowboarding, and tubing. Then we were going to his house to have a sleepover. So that day I was so excited because I hadn't been in a while, the bad thing was that since I was so excited that it felt like the day was getting longer. It seems like every time I'm doing something exciting that day it feels like the day goes by really long. But once the time finally came I got my stuff on and went to my friends house and his parents were suppose to drive us. On the way there we were waving at random people in cars and telling them to honk their horns which made the car ride go by fast because it takes around 45 minutes to get there. When we got there we had to wait for the others to get there because he goes to a different school. When they got there we went inside to get our gear on. After all of that time we finally got to go up. Since I hadn't gone in a while I had to go down the bunny hill once then I went down all the other hills. Since I hadn't gone in a while I was a little nervous so I kept braking the whole time I went down the first time which figured out it makes you fall if you come to a sudden stop. After a few hours we went to Pizza Ranch and had pizza. When we were done with that we went to his house to have a sleepover. We watched a movie, played video games, and had airsoft wars. I never really went to sleep. The next day we all left and thats why this was a really fun weekend.
~Brett H.


Todays the day we finally get to go and ride the dragon at adventure land. The place where you see all the brightest colors from the rides you see spinning, the thrill of the rollercoasters going up and down. So exiting!
"Everyone in the car" my mom yells.
"Coming" we all yell back.
My cousins and I jump in the car and were off!
Once we got there we paid at the front entrance and we raced to the first roller coster we saw. We road for it 3 or 4 times then got bored of it.
Once we started walking we ran straight to the dragon the roller coster I've been waiting for. the line was extremly long so we wait forever. When we were halfway there it started thunder storming so we had to leave. I was very upset that we had to leave so my mom said we could come back tomarrow.
The next morning I woke up early so we could go and we did. The car ride seemed long but we made it. They let us in free because we had a pass so we ran straight to the Dragon. There was no line so we hoped right on. Then it started!!!! It was a little bumpy at first the there was a drop! WHOA!!!!! We went upside down and around and around!! WHOA!! Then we slowly went into the area where the line is and got off the ride and went to do other rides then went home happy as can be!!

Pain Problem

"In my life time I have had or seen a ton of pain and injury. All of my uncles have had been hurt because they all work on farms. The one i remember the most was when my uncle Joe fell into a combine and got his legs cut off.
My family got a call late at night. I was so tired. I was eavesdropping on the caller talking to my mom. This voice sounded really familiar.
"Please help, Joe just fell into a combine and got his legs cut off. Come when you can."
Shortly after we realized that the caller was my aunt Jill. I was terrified after that moment because I thought he would die! I was only eleven at the time and have never experienced death before.

We decided to leave in the morning because they live two hours away and it was 10 at night. That night I could not sleep. All I could think about was my uncle. In the morning we packed and left emmediatly.
In the car I nervously asked my dad if he was going to be ok. "I hope so buddy."
When we got to waterloo we went strait to the hospital. I ran in and asked the lady at the counter what room he was in. She told me to go to room 203. It took us ten long minutes to find his room. During that time I was afraid he would die. We finally found the room. We ran in and Joe was sitting in bed."Thank god he's alright", I said.
I asked him what happend and he said,"well I was cleaning the combine and it suddenly turned on. I could'nt feel my legs for a second and I had to crawl one half a mile home."
Thanks to modern tecnology he is still alive today and I still have 6 uncles.

train wreck

This story takes place in my hometown, I was only a few years old when my parents and I got the news that my grandfathers car had been hit by a train. We rushed to the hospital to see if my grandfather was alright, but the doctor stopped us before we could get into my grandfathers room, they said they were about to send him down to the morgue. When my mother heard that she broke out in tears, she just couldn't imagine that her dad was finally dead. A few weeks later we visited my grandfathers funeral, since my grandfather was in the us air force a bunch of of other pilots in the air force were there to honor my grandfather, but I just hope that my grandfather went peacefully.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Big Black Eye

Last year I was playing baseball catch with my friend. I was outside and it was sunny and bright out. Then all of the sudden I took my eye off the for one second all of the sudden... BOOM!! I woke up a couple of seconds later. My friend right next to me.

"Are you ok?"

"Ya I am fine why do you ask?"

"Your eye."

"What is wrong with it?"

"You can see the laces from the baseball and it is puffy."

That night I walk down stairs with an ice pack on my eye .

Then I ask my mom.

"Does my eye look bad?"

"Ya really bad but we will have to wait and see in the mourning to see if it gets any better."

The next day I woke up and it was a rainy and cold day. I went to my bathroom and look in the mirror and my eye was still purple and so puff I couldn't even see out of it. Then my mom and I went to the docker to see what was wrong. They told me to go to a doctor for your face. They where going to cat scan it to see if my skull was cracked!!

When I took the cat scene I went into a big black room with a window that when you look in it it's dark to. I went to this machine. It felt like it was reading my thoughts. A big red line going back and forth. But it turned out that my skull was not crack it was just a black eye. But I still have a bump by my eye there today.

Brandon K.

Saving Sara

I was five years old when my best friend was diagnosed with lukemia cancer, Sara was six. It was one of the most scary things that I had expirienced. With the hair being gone, and the bags under her eyes, and all of the tubes that they had poken into her body. Needles. Chemo. Blood.
It was horrifying.
The first time wmy mom and I went to see Sara in the hospital, Sara told me to tell her dad that I had the chicken pocks. When I did say that, his eyes widened, then he realised that I was just kidding and he gave me a wink and a grin!- Please note that chicken pocks can be deadly to lukemia victems.
The second time we went to visit, it was a year later and Sara and I played war with a dec of cards that had smiley faces on the back!
"I win!" said Sara as we had completed that deck,"Rematch?"
"Deal!"I said,"I'm sure that I'll beat you this time!"
But yet once again the victory was Sara's!
I remember that moment so vividley, when we wheeled the medicine cart out to the playing area for children that were in the hospital. I remember Sara saying to me that she had been in a photo shoot and was on the cover of a magazine! I was so exited for her!
About a half a year later, when my mom and I were meeting my grandpa at T.G.I. Fridays, my mother and I were looking at some squirrel tracks that were lightly denting the diamondlike snow that had fallen the day before. That was when I shut the door, but without realising it, my mom grabbed my hand and started to walk towards the restaraunt, but something hurt, bad. My finger was shut along with the door! I tried to yank it out, but that only made things worse, so my mom then unlocked the car and there was so much blood, that we started looking for the tip of my finger! So we got some ice from Fridays and rushed to a hospital emergency room, and that was when I saw Sara's agazine! It was so cool that we ripped off the cover and gave it to Sara!
How could I have been so dumb to not have realised this! Sara wasn't on the magazine because she had cancer! She was on the magazine because she had survived it! That was why we were going to her house, for the welcome home Sara! Thank goodness! When we got there, Sara showed me a teady bear that she had gotten from the nurses that had a white t-shirt on with big red writing that said, "CANCER SUCKS!!!"
Sara had the chance to live for the next three years. The true miracle about this story, is that that was five years ago!

Terror in Room 302

"I'm so fired up!" I thought.

"Today is an early out," my mom said.

I went to school as any other day but at the end of the day terror happened! We were going to lunch I was holding the door when I noticed that I forgot my lunch card so I went to go grab it I was still holding the door when my fingers got caught in the hinge side of the door.

"Open the door," I said weakly.

After 5 seconds Bo opened the door. I was bleeding non-stop and my nails were out of my nail bed and blood was gushing out.

"Lets take you to the nurse," Mrs. Umphress said frightened.

"What happened?" questioned the nurse. I couldn't speak. I was in too much pain.

"He slammed his fingers in the door," Bo said loudly.

"Lets call your parents," the nurse said.
"They are out out of town." I said." My grandparents are watching me." I said

"Do you know your grandparents number?" questioned the nurse." Yes." I said.

When my grampa arrived to pick me up we headed to the hospital. When we got there I got X-rays to see if my fingers were broken and it turned out I broke my pinky, ring and middle fingers.
Then a couple minutes later the Doctor came in and asked "What happened here?"

"I slammed my fingers in the door," I replied.

After 1 hour of putting my nails back in the nail bed, I got stitches. I was relieved that I didn't lose my fingers that day. I have also learned to watch were my fingers are as I pass through the doorway.


"Boing! Boing!" The trampoline was saying while I jumped on my knees. I was at Chow's Gymnastics on the long trampoline doing knee flips. Knee flips are when you bounce on your knees and go into a flip. I did the first two really good and I was getting ready to go on to the third. But lets say after that I couldn't talk for a week. . .
As I came down from doing a knee flip my chin banged into my knee. And there is more! My tongue was sticking out so when my chin did bang into knee my teeth bit my tongue. As I got up a saw blood dripping down from my mouth onto the trampoline I realized what happened! I bit a hole in my tongue! It felt like a truck that weighed 1,000 pounds ran over my tongue. I ran over to my gymnastic teacher pointing at my tongue.
"What's the matter?" she said sweetly. I couldn't talk so I just kept pointing at my tongue.
"Oh! I see your tongue is bleeding," my teacher said like she didn't care.
"Uh-uh" I mumbled.
"Just go grab some paper towels from the bathroom to put on your tongue. Then you can just sit out'" she said again like she didn't care.
But I listened and went and grabbed some paper towels. Once I did I went and found my class and just sat on the side. The clock struck 8:30 so it was time for me to go. I couldn't wait to go home and tell my parents so they could do something about.
As I jumped in the car with the paper towels on my tongue my dad asked, "What happened to you?"
I couldn't talk so I opened my mouth and pointed to my tongue. My dad said, "Did you bite a hole in your tongue?"
I shook my head in response.
"Oh!! What did the teacher do? Tap my right hand if she helped you or tap my left hand if she didn't do a lot," my dad said concerned.
So I tapped his left hand.
"What! She didn't do anything?! Come on, lets go home," my dad said shocked.
When we got home my mom asked, "What happened?"
"She bit a hole in her tongue," my dad said with anger.
"Oh my. I'll call the doctor to see what we need to do," my mom said while walking to the phone.
My dad went to grab some new paper towels for me. I was sitting on our cream love seat turning on the T.V.
"No. It's time to go to bed," he said.
"Uh-uh," I mumbled.
"Cassie, you'll have to get up early because I scheduled an appointment at 8:00," my mom yelled from our kitchen. My dad guided me up the stairs and I went to bed in my bright blue comforter.
"Come on! Time to get up!" my mom said as she opened my white door. I shook my head because I was so tired. It was only 7:15.
"Well you have to get up," my mom said as she walked into the hallway. I lay in bed for about another 5 minutes and decided time to get up. I walked to the other side of my room where my dresser was to get my outfit on. I grabbed a blue top with a big red heart on it and my favorite jeans with holes in them. I quickly slipped them on and ran downstairs to our kitchen. I sat down at our glass table.
My mom walked by saying,"Good girl for getting up! Now do you just want eggs for breakfast?"
I shook my head up and down.
"Okay!" my mom said walking to the refrigerator grabbing the eggs. Our refrigerator was silver and had my brother's and I artwork all over it. As my mom was cooking the eggs, I got up to go turn the T.V. on.
My mom started walking toward the glass table with the eggs in the plate saying,"Your eggs are ready."
I jumped up from the couch and slowly nibbled on my eggs trying not to hurt my tongue.
"Time to go," my mom grabbing my coat and her coat from the mud room. I grabbed my coat from her hand. It felt like a fuzzy pillow and it was blue. Then I jumped into the car.
"Well she is very lucky that she doesn't need stitches on her tongue. If it was any bigger she would need a few stitches," the doctor said.
"Oh good! She doesn't need stitches! But what can we do to help her tongue heel?" my mom asked.
"Well first off she probably shouldn't talk a lot even if she is able to talk. Second, no hard or sticky food. So just stick to soft food items," the doctor responded.
"Okay. Thank you very much doctor," my mom said as she walked out the door.
For weeks my tongue was in pain, I couldn't talk very well, and I was stuck with soft food. But after awhile my tongue started to heel and the hole got smaller and smaller. Today it is closed up and I am very happy!! So some advice if any of you are in gymnastics doing knee flips don't stick your tongue out.

Terror At MOA

"Does everyone have all their stuff?" Mom yelled.

"Yep", I said

"Then let's go we're 30 minutes behind schedule!" Dad yelled.

"Here we go!" Nathan said. (Little brother)

"Mall Of America!" Rachel Said. (Little sister)

"Uh, I hate car rides!" I think to myself, "Oh well, it will be worth it in the end."

After we're about an hour & a 1/2 from home the Garmin shows a 10 minute delay on the interstate.

"What's wrong with this stupid thing?" mom asks "We're in the middle of nowhere, how can there be any traffic delay?"

Then we came around the corner & saw a massive back-up from a semi in the ditch. My dad merges right quickly to get to the rest stop exit before it gets blocked.

"Perfect timing, we can eat lunch & wait out the delay at the same time!" my dad said.

The rest stop is humongous inside! Over 1/2 of it looks like it's filled with a gas station & a huge gift store. It even has a Coldstone Creamery! Luckily traffic cleared up outside while we were eating.

"It should be an hour & a 1/2 up to the mall!" dad said.

Once we get about 1/2 an hour from the mall mom announces, "Since we can't check-in at the hotel until 3 we'll go visit Aunt Jennifer in the hospital."

"The neighborhoods here are kept very nicely!" I said sarcastically.

"That's outrageous; we have to pay $4 to visit someone in the hospital!" I think

After getting to the hotel at 4:30 I'm pooped. The hotel isn't what I expected even though it was renovated 10 years ago. The rooms are small & the kitchen appliances don't even match!

The next day we head to the mall around 10 after what I thought was a pretty pathetic breakfast buffet at the hotel. I love the mall! It's gigantic & the amusement park is like a mini Adventureland. The 1st thing that we ride is the log chute. I like this one a lot better than the one at Adventureland because you don't get as wet. I was really scared when we went down the 1st hill. I was surprised because I didn't get as wet as I remembered. Nathan was already to go on the next ride, The Pepsi Orange Crush. I thought, "Take it one step at a time kid." I don't like that ride & I knew I was going to have to ride it with him. Then I snapped back into focus & heard the lady say, "Say cheese!" Then kaploosh!!!! Down the slide we went into the water pool below.

"Let's go again!" Nathan said.

As we were walking around trying to find another ride, we saw the climbing structure with 10 floors up to the ceiling that had ladders & tight ropes to cross in order to get to the top to walk the plank over thin air! My dad wants to go on it, I don't, & Nathan does because he doesn't want to be a chicken like me.

I met up with mom & Rachel for lunch since I didn't want to go climbing. After lunch we did some shopping before we went back to the park. Nathan still wanted to go on the roller-coaster, so he went once by himself then I went with him the next time. We climbed up the stairs & ran to get in line before the gate closed. When you scan your pass the machine laughs like SpongeBob & I swear it sounded diabolical this time! When we went down hills or turned sideways I was screaming while Nathan laughed at me. The 2nd time we went it was more enjoyable to see the park from above.

Then we got off & headed back to the carousel where mom was waiting. Then Nathan just gets up & runs off to the left!

"Where's your brother?" Mom turns to ask me.

"I don't know he just ran off that way!" I said.

"You go check on the roller-coaster & I'll go check around over here!" Mom said.

So I dashed up the stairs to the loading dock where the ride just took off & the platform was empty. Then I ran back down to the exit where mom was waiting hoping that he would get off the ride. We stepped aside to not get trampled by the crowd & spot him running over to the carousel. At once we both tell him, "NEVER SCARE US LIKE THAT AGAIN!"

Racing to the finishline

"Vivian, your team for the four lap relay is Emma, Ajah, and Sarah!" Mrs.Jodie
said smiling big. She was happy I could tell, it was 1 week until Hanawalt's annual field day. When the third, fourth, and fifth graders would race one another to win ribbons and get Popsicle at the end of the day, and all the kids would be having fun half of the school day.
One week later....
It was The Hanawalt Field Day!
I was excited, but nervous about the four lap relay, why? Because, I was in a group of the best runners in fifth grade! Emma, Ajah, and Sarah, they all went to the Drake relays to represent our school after running kids striders and, they won second place.
I was not fast nor was I slow, I was in between! I was nervous because, I thought I'd cost them the race!
The whole time I was thinking about this, even during my other races!
Then when i was taking my break Emma came up to me.
"Hey Vivian!" She greeted with a big smile.
"Hey" I said back.
"So I just found out that Becca is racing you, I'm racing Megan, Ajah is racing Paige, and Sarah is racing Maliee."
"Oh. Okay. So I'm racing Becca?"
"Yep! Shes pretty fast so you gotta do your best."
"I will!" I said smiling
"And before the race please check your shoelaces." She said hiding a smirk.
I promised to do my best and to tie my shoelaces tightly. And she walked away.
Then just as Emma left Ajah appeared, Ajah was the fastest of the group, she was tall and had strong arms. Ajah gave me some pointers and told me to relax and not to get to nervous.
After she left I became even more nervous!
What if I drop the baton? What if I tripped? What if I ran the wrong way for some reason!? All of the what If's were going through my head. There would be 300 people watching the students, teachers, and families! 600 eyes would be on me!
I watched the races and waited until it was time for the four lap relay.
When it was time we all lined up and got to our positions, Emma raced Megan, then Sarah raced Maliee. Both got the baton to the next person before the person the ran against. When Sarah finished it was then my turn to run.
I was ready and had a head start since Sarah got the baton to me before Becca got her's. I was still nervous, my legs felt like noodles but I still ran my fastest. I was feeling good because I was a few feet away from Becca! I heard the Emma, Sarah, and Ajah cheering for me along with my other friends in the crowed! Becca caught up to me a few times but I always would speed up. Then I saw Ajah, the person that I needed to hand the baton to, I slowed down just a bit and ran to Ajah, handed her the baton and watched her speed off with Paige behind her. Ajah dropped the baton once and was behind Paige but she gained her speed and finished the finish line before Paige!
We won the race! At the end of the day I had one fourth place, and two first place ribbons!
Then I knew that everyone underestimated me even myself, and I proved everyone and myself wrong.