Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Shooting Star

One hot summer day in 2007 was the day I got to go to Adventure Land!

I woke up bright and early then I ate breakfast, got dressed, and got some money.

DING-DONG! The door bell rang. That was my ride. I said goodbye to my mom and dad.

I got into my friend's car and drove off. While my friend and I where in the car we talked about what rides we were going to go on. Katie said, "We are going to get in for free!"

"Really?", I said in excitement.

"Ya?", Katie answered.

"Well I don't know what rides are there because last time I went there I was like 6 or 7.", I said in disappointment

"That's okay.", claimed.

Before we could a say another word the car came to a stop. "We're here!", her mom urged.

We walked in and got on all the rides we saw. We went on the silly silo, I forgot the name but it's when you're in a log in the water, and that's all the ones I can describe.

We ate lunch and Kaci said, "Wanna go on on the Shooting Star?"

"Ah, I hate hights.", I said, ashamed of myself.

"Oh, it's okay, please come on!!", she said with joy.

"Oh, okay.", I replied

So we went the ride. And I had so much fun! So, we spent more of the day going on rides that I was scared of. Like the Ferris Wheel, Space Shoot or whatever it's called, and someother rides.

And that was when I conquered my fear of hights!

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