Friday, September 18, 2009

WDMSC soccer in Omaha

I arrived in Omaha at around 7:00 am. Our first game was in about an hour against an Omaha team. I went over to my team and we went to the fields. We started the game. We heard the whistle and started the game. The Omaha team scored about 4 in the first half. After half time we ran on the field. The whistle started we did a little better but still got beat 10-2. The whistle blew in my ear. The other team parents screamed. That was the end of the game. It was a bad way to start a tournament. We lost very bad but we had time to rest. The next game was in about 2-3 hours. We drove around Omaha until we had are next game. We came to the fields about 1 an 30 min later. We started the game. This team wasn't ranked as good as the other team so felt more confident. We played hard the first half they came out on top. So we got ready for the second half. The whistle blew we were hanging with them this half. From the first half we still did a little better than the first game. I had to come back to Iowa for a football scrimmages. We won both of are scrimmages and I went home. I woke up the next morning and went to Omaha. We played a very good team they were huge compared to us. The first half we scored about 3 goals. We played pretty good but still got Beat. That was the end of the tournament we didn't advance. We still have a tournament next weak hope we win.

Nick H. 3

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