Friday, September 18, 2009

My First Air Plane Ride

My first plane ride was to San Diego, California.  It was to go see my brother, who had just become a Marine and was training in San Diego.  I was so excited to see brother because I hadn't seen him in months!  My mom ad dad didn't want to go to the Des Monies Air Port because it was more expensive so we were going to drive to the Omaha Air Port instead.  The ride to Omaha was long and boring.  We were going to stay at a hotel and go to the air port in the morning.  When we got to the hotel it was midnight and we were all tired and ready for sleep.  As my dad checked us in we got our bags.  When we got in the lobby I noticed that it was a nice hotel but not the nicest hotel I've ever seen.  In our room now we were all changed and in bed.  At 3 in the morning on the dot we woke up.  Once we were in our clothes and in the van, and we were off. In the air port I was feeling strange about going on the plane . But when they called us on to the plane I was excited again.  The plane was really cool.  It was really easy to find my seat.  I was happy to have a window seat. The seats were really nice.  I can't put my finger on the smell but it smelled like an air plane. Once in my seat next to my mom we waited , it wasn't long before the pilot came on. I was asking my mom what it was like on take off.  I was getting more, and more excited about take off, it sounded like it was fun.  Finally lift off time.  As the pilot went off the loud speaker and was ready to go. I could feel and hear the engine. Then slowly but surely the plane started to move. My ears were popping and I was sick to my stomach.  But when the plane was in the air that was just the past.  I got to watch the ground get farther and farther away.  The ride was long and boring I was mostly watching out of the window.  After hours I could feel the plane get lower and the pilot said we were landing.  Finally we were in San Diego!         

By: Grace

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