Friday, September 18, 2009

Cat's Galore!!!

                                       When I was on my way to get my two cats, my favorite song was on the radio. It made me feel happy and exited like every time I heard it on the radio or on my iPod. On our way, we were thinking up names for the small creatures that were about to be held in our family's possession. We thought about naming them Chocolate and Chip, Bingo and Sassy, Fuzzy and Fluffy, Sweet and Sour and many more.
                                       As we walked through the mystified air to the woman's garage, I saw the most dainty adorable little kittens in the world! Just like the song, you can always find something new.  I opened the cage that the cat's were in and the small gray one crawled softly on to my arm, then on my shoulder, and right on top of my head! We should name her Sassy and the Other one Bingo! So that was that, their names' are now Sassy and Bingo, and have been for the past four years.

Maddie W.

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