Friday, September 18, 2009

A day at the i-Cubs game

A day at the I-Cubs game is very entertaining. They shoot hot dogs out of canons, t-shirts,and all kinds of merchandise. I am going to talk to you about a time I went to a game.

First, I walk into the game on the hard-as-rock concrete, excited for the game. After that, I see some friends and buy some salty, buttery, warm box of popcorn. Soon, I've fond myself taking pictures in the baseball machine with a few friends.

20 minutes later...

STRIKE THREE!!!!!! The Cubs pitched a lead-of strikeout! So after that, there's two more outs, and the Cubbies are up to bat. The lead-off batter is up,the pitcher throws the ball and...BAM!!!! The ball flies over the center fielder's head and everybody is quiet. "Where's the ball?"says a curious fan.All of a sudden the crowd JUMPS out of their seats and cheer for the cubs!

(5th inning)The Cub are down 4 to 3 from a well hit grand slam in the 3rd inning.

(9th inning)the Cubs are up from a bad inning. The Isotopes are up to bat. There's 2 outs, bases loaded,with a 3-2 count. Carlos Zambrono throws the pitch and...THE CUBS WIN!!!

Philip g.

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