Friday, September 18, 2009

The Baseball Game

    It seemed forever till the baseball game but when it came it was alright.  The sight was beautiful , i saw freshly mowed grass and new brown dirt.  All I heard when i got there were people talking and the announcer going over safety violations.  The feeling of me was lie an electrical shock was going through me because I was so excited.  I could smell the fresh air,the hot dogs , and the popcorn .  Later I has some pop and some popcorn watching the baseball players get ready for the game in my seat.  I could here fire trucks and trains behind me because the city of Chicago was there. I could feel the excitement build as the game drew closer to the start.  I was eating nachos and a hot dog when the game went into the bottom of the fifth with the White Sox leading 4-2.  It was the seventh inning when i had ice cream when all of a sudden CRACK!!! the ball rocketed off the Bat of Jim Thome 2 RUN HOME RUN and all I heard was people screaming.  The White Sox went onto win 7-2.   It was one of the best games I have gone to in my life, I wont forget it.


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