Friday, September 18, 2009

Snorkeling In Hawaii

   When we went to Hawaii it took three hours in a plane to get to Arizona and nine hours to get to Hawaii from Arizona. But two days after we got there we snorkeled. We all went to a store to rent gear to snorkel. I got a size four, black flippers and blue goggles and the mouth thing was blue too. That took us about  twenty minutes. Then we went to this place that was supposed to be really good for snorkeling. Then getting ready took us about another ten minutes. I was the first one in the water. It felt good. The first time I went under my mouth thing filled up with water. So I came up and saw people crowding around so I went to see. There were two big sea turtles. They big and green. After I went back in the water. This time I saw a bunch of fish. All different colors too, then I saw a pufferfish, it was yellow with needle like prickles on it. I tried scaring it, but it didn't blow. Ten someone told me the state fish. It was thirty-two letters long! Nobody could pronounce it. That was the end of my snorkeling experience.

Noah T

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