Friday, September 18, 2009

The day I got hit with a shovel

Two years ago in January, on a Sunday one of my friends invited me over. So I went to his house. It was a cold, snowy day. The day before it had snowed. As I walked up to his front porch I noticed two HUGE snow banks. So I went back to the car, and grabbed my snow gear. Twenty minutes later we went outside. The garage smelled like wet snow. Puddles from snow were all over the place. He didn't have any snow shovels so we used metal shovels. The shovels were dirty. But we used them anyway. We decided to make tunnels in the snow banks. The snow banks were as cold as standing in the freezer for days. When I was digging I smelled the shovel. It smelled rusty. My friend was trying to get a clump of ice out of the tunnel. I put my face next to the ice. I could hear the shovel hitting the ice pretty hard. Then the shovel slipped and hit my face. It hit me right next to my nose. I instantly stood up.I had fast reflexes. I just stood there. My friend had a scared expression on his face. I ran into his house. He followed me in. I was crying as hard as I could. It didn't really hurt that bad. I was just scared.

His mom made me sit down at the kitchen table. She told my friend's dad to get the first aid kit. He got it. My friend's mom put a bandage over my nose. I got SO dizzy . Then I threw up on a wash cloth that was lying in front of me. My friends mom called my mom.

My mom came and took me to the doctor's office. There was barely any one there. The doctors didn't know what to do so they sent me to the hospital. The hospital smelled like cleaning supplies. My mom took me to the emergency room. Instead of getting stitches I got glue on the side of my nose. The glue made my eyes water. The glue smelled like plastic and wax! When I left the hospital the glue had tried. It felt like it was pulling my whole face together. At school I couldn't participate in any sports or any physical activities. It stunk. But there is just a scar left on my face. On the side of my nose.
Alyssa R.

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