Friday, September 18, 2009

Swimming at Midwest Regionals

  When my team and I swam at regionals in Minneapolis, Minnesota. During the two day period my team members and I were ranking really high. Since we had a big team we had a lot of relays and if you get 1st place you get 40 points for your team my relay got 1st so we got a lot of points for our team. In the end of Regionals my team had won by over 100 points. It was the first time my team had in history. We had gotten second 3 times and third five times, so it was a  big accomplishment. Since it was in the beginning of April it was near my birthday so we went to Rainforest cafe at Mall of America. When we got there it was misty with a lot of bird noises like hawks. So that was ow my spring break went.

Brett H.

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