Friday, September 18, 2009

One Great Homecoming

      O.k this is how my story begins. My friend Emma, Kelsey, and I walked over to the brand new looking Waukee Stadium together on Friday night, that was the night of the Waukee homecoming football game.  As we approached the line for tickets we saw the bleachers beginning to fill up by all the Waukee fans.  We could feel the excitement and tension start to get more and more intense just like you would feel before a surprise party.
      Then, once the gate was in our site, we noticed that the line was about as long as a school bus so we ran the rest of the way to make sure that we didn't risk the chance of having the line getting any longer before we got there.  After waiting in line for about 15 minutes we got to were we thought we would never be, the front of the line!  I handed four wrinkled up one dollar bills to the ticket holder and in return received one ticket to get into the game.
      Next we went to go and find seats in the middle school section.  On our way there, to me, the crowd looked like a school of  fish with lodes of Waukee spirit!  Once again we all felt a rush of excitement.  Somehow my two friends and I got through our crazy cluster of  fans and made it to the middle school section, then mingled with our other friends from school and sports teams.
      After that Emma, Kelsey, some other friends of ours, and I got board, like you get when you're doing homework, and decided to go over by the concessions and hang out while waiting for the game to start.  Then when we got over there I smelt the salty popcorn, sweet candy, and greasy hot dogs and hamburgers and knew that I would, at some point, end up over in that line waiting to buy something to snack on.
      Before we headed on back to our section we scurried on over to the concession stand, which didn't surprise me one bit.  At that time the aroma of the salty popcorn, sweet candy, and greasy hot dogs and hamburgers came back to me and we all took our places in line.  On the way up we stood still but steered clear of the bubble gum on the concrete.  Emma was in front of me and she got a sizzling hot dog.  Then I stepped up and got a container of salty, unhealthy, but definitely delicious popcorn to share.
      Finally we took our seats on the bleachers just in time to see the start of the game.  The field was packed with players, cheerleaders, and all of the coaches.  I don't really remember any plays but I do remember how loud the middle school section was.  We were cheering, jumping, and even dancing!  As we were watching the game I was eating my salty popcorn when Emma turned around sending my container of fresh popcorn air born and then plopped to the ground.  Anyway the game went fantastic, we won 49 to 9!  What a great homecoming don't you think! 

Miranda W.

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