Friday, September 18, 2009

Sailing Schedule

Ahhh..... just got out of bed.  Which way is the wind coming from today i ask myself as i get ready in the morning.  I go look out on the water.  I am up at 8:15 AM ad get ready to go sailing which includes putting my swimsuit on, putting clothes over top of it, putting my hair up, and brushing my teeth.

At 9:00 I go to the sailing school and see that there are lots of waves and it is rough on this side of the lake.  I walk on into the Yacht Club, and hear all the sailing kids laughing and talking.  I go up to the loft to join them.  Our head teacher, Nate, tells us what we are going to be learning today.  At about 9:30 we go out sailing on the X-Boats.  Do you know what and X-Boat is?  An X-Boat is a sailboat that is not huge but not small either.  The size of the entire X-Boat is about two bathtubs long.

We rig or set up our boats and take them out.  Like I mentioned earlier, it is really rough today so u feel the water to see if it is cold in case we tip over because it is really bumpy and windy.

I am the skipper that's my favorite job.  We leave the dock.....Oh No!  We are in a puff.  A puff is when the wind is super strong and the water turns darker in a small area.  We turn out of the puff and continue sailing.  I usually sail with 2-3 other people. WHOOOOSH!  A huge wave just came over the bow or the front of our boat.  The boat keeps filling with more and more water so I go to check to see if we closed the ballards.

We continued sailing.  "Pull in the main sheet," i say.  A main sheet is a rope that is attached to the sail that pulls the sail in.  "Everybody come back and dock the boats," Nate says.  Okay lets tack (or turn around)  " Everybody ready to tack?"  "Tacking!!"  Boom the sail goes over.  We are about 2 feet away from the dock."  Throw the rope over to the instructor on the  dock to tie the boat up."  I throw the rope and we take the sails down.

It was a great day sailing!  I love to sail and I wish every 11 year old in the world could have the experience.  If you get the chance to ever sail, take it you will love it!!

Molly A.

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