Friday, September 18, 2009

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: The Battle Scene

The battle for Hogwarts and the rest if the book is very sad and/or scary for some readers.
"Prefects! Please escort your houses to the Great Hall." This is a line from the book. Chapters 31-36 are the most exciting for me because it has nothing to do with everyone's life. But I don't see this stuff in my life UNLESS I'm reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Everyone 16 and under are waiting in the Great Hall waiting for the endless fight to end. On the other hand everyone 17 and older are going to the fight.(If they want) They are trying to defeat the most dark and powerfull wizard of all time, Tom Riddle or now more commonly known as Lord Voldemort and his army ,the Death Eaters.
"YOU HAVE TILL MIDNIGHT TO GIVE ME HARRY POTTER!!" Voldemort screams. But Harry wasn't listening to Voldemorts FINAL warning. He was in the Room Of Requirement looking for Roana Ravenclaw's crown. Or as everyone refers to it as the Lost Diadem.
Harry only has so little time. In the Room with him are Ron, Hermionie, Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. Crabbe and Goyle are holding Harry down when Malfoy has his wand raised.
Then a spell out of nowhere stes Goyle on fire!! It was Ron!! So while Malfoy and Crabbe are cooling him off or trying to anyways, Harry grabs his wand and shouts, "AGUAMENTA" Then out of the tip of his wand comes out so much water that everything (well almost everything) starts rising with the water! Harry sees the Diadem and trudges toward it. Just as he approaches the Diadem, Malfoy grabs it.
"I'm going to turn you in to him." Malfoy  says. But Harry takes the Diadem and runs out of the room with it and Ron and Hermionie. They run to Albus Dumbledore's office and grabs the sword that belonged to Godric Gryffendor. He stabs the sword into the crown and once again destroies another Horcruxe. Sadly I can't tell you what that is. But he hears Voldemort scream, "I'm sending my men in and they're not coming out till they bring me Harry Potter!!!!" So then, there's a huge BANG!!!!! Then people in masks made out of gold, swoop in and bring out their wands.
"Avada Kadavra" Belltrix Lestrange. She is the only female Death Eater actually commited to do what ever it takes to serve the Lord. She is probally the most dangerous Death Eater. Meanwhile the water in the Room of Requirement was all drained out. Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Tonks are in the room waitng for Harry to return. Harry returns and says he destroied the Diadem. Everyone cheered.
Tonks is married and her husband, Proffesser R.J. Lupin is at war with Ron and Ginny's brothers Fred and George. Earlier in the book George gets his ear blown off. This is all I'm going to tell you. I decided  that you should read the book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling.

      Sara L

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