Thursday, December 31, 2009

What does your voice sound like?

Let's talk about writing. You are talented writers. You have shown that in your writing this year. I want us to take the next step now.

What makes one essay different from another? We all had the same rubric, so why didn't they all sound the same?

The reason they didn't all sound the same is because you all have a different voice. We have voices when speak and we also have voices when we write.

Be metacognative with me for a bit. What does your writing voice sound like? What makes your writing different from others'? How do you let our voice be heard in your writing?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Why Pick Cats?

I love cats and I think that everyone shold have cats too! Cats are loyal and loving animals. I think that cats are very loving and kind. Here are some reasons why you should have, or should not have a cat or cats. Wich side will you choose?

I think that everyone should have cats because they are such a cure for sadness! When you look in to there eyes and all you can see is the little reflections of the light on the Christmas Tree! And they are so soft that you want to cuddle them to pieces! Also, when you need to say outloud something that is on your mind, you can depend on a cat not to tell a soul!

This is not my personal opinion, but it just might be yours! Here are some ways on why some people don't like cats.
Some people just can't have cats because they can't afford them! And others could be allergic to their furr. The litterbox also takes responsibility that a lot of people don't have! Take me for example!

There you have it America! Now you have read some reasons wether to or to not have cats?
Decisions. Decisions! How to decide?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Weekend Open Thread #6 - Encyclopedias and Wikipedia

How do you use an encyclopedia?

How do you use Wikipedia?

How is an encyclopedia written? 

What is your understanding of how Wikipedia works?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sports v.s. Romance

I ask you which of these movies is better to see The Blind Side or New Moon? My opinion is The Blind Side. It is a true story about Michael Oher from the Baltimore Ravens. It is a sad and touching story dealing with his life on the streets. I also prefer The Blind Side because it is about football. If I didn't choose The Blind Side I would have to choose New Moon because it has werewolves and vampires. It also has action and romance drama. I didn't choose New Moon because the genre is romance.In my opinion The Blind Side is better movie because it is a true story about a professional football player that overcame sadness.Which one to you pick?

Zach S.

PS3 Or Xbox360

One day I was sitting down at lunch and heard people in a big argument. They were arguing about what was better, the PS3 or the Xbox360. I like the PS3 better and I will tell you why I picked it.
The PS3 has many features. One is that is has free online. It also has blueray dvd player and it does not get overheated. Another good thing about PS3 is that it has small connection cords. There are also bad things about the PS3. The biggest reason is that it leaves finger prints behind when you touch it.
Now on to the Xbox360. The controllers fit perfectly to your hand and they have the biggest online community. But the Xbox360 gets overheated easily and gets the red ring of doom. Xbox360 has large cords, they are the size of a Wii!! They also have wierd games like Halo.
Well I hope that this helps you pick out what you want. But my opinion, the best choice is PS3.

Brandon K.

Ping Pong is fun to play

Ping Pong is fun to play Dmitriy
You don’t like ping pong, is that right? Well, here are reasons that will be convincing and from a person who doesn’t like ping pong kind of view.

Ping pong has a lot of action when you’re moving around trying to get the ball. You are sweating so much that you need water. In ping pong you are playing other people. If you win you go to the next round. You want to become better. Well, you have to practice a lot to become an awesome ping pong player.

Other people think ping pong isn’t fun to play and that it's very boring. If you aren't getting anywhere you need to practice more. If you're a beginner, then you’ll have to learn a lot before becoming very good. When you're the best you outrank everybody.

I thought of the idea because I like ping pong a lot. That is why I think ping pong is fun to play. So start playing ping pong. Thanks for listening.

Shop 'Till You Drop!

Have you ever wanted to go shopping but did not know where to go? I have before. Well here are two places you could go! The mall is a great place to shop. Target, also is a great place to shop. But the mall, in my opinion is better. Read this essay and find out which place you like to shop at the best!

Shopping at the Mall is better than shopping at Target because the Mall has a wider variety of stores in it, including some of my favorites. I like the Mall better because it has a theater in it, where I can watch some of my favorite movies like New Moon and 2012. Another reason why I like the Mall better than Target is because the mall has a bigger amount of food places in it, including Cold-Stone!

Shopping at Target could be better than shopping at the Mall because Target has groceries and food supplies. Most of the time Targets stuff is cheaper and they have more sales than the Mall does. (sometimes) Lastly, Target has less people than the Mall because the Mall is bigger so more people are there.

Personally, I like the Mall better but I hope you chose the store you like to shop at the best.
Thanks for reading my essay!

Aly M.

Snowflakes Or Sunburn, Which Will You Choose?

Which do you find more interesting, winter or summer? I personally think that winter is 10x better than summer because it obviously snows in the winter making winter unique while the sun rises and sets every day. What do you think?

The 1st reason fro me liking winter better, and to me the biggest reason, is that winter has more hands on activities to do outside and in. For example making snowmen, snow forts, snowballs, sledding, gingerbread men, and more. My next reason is that you get/have to get all bundled up, sit by the fireplace, and drink hot coco. All of these things get you warmed after being outside. Next my final reason is that you don't have to worry about sunscreen or sunburn! You also don't have to worry about frostbite if you bundle up!

Winter is not better than summer because summer is safer. There are more car accidents in the winter due to snow which leads to Waukee becoming a larger community. My second reason is that more people get sick in the winter. Most people suffer from the flue or other viruses in the winter than in the summer. My last reason is that you can get frostbite if you are not protected depending on the temperature.

I personally take the side of winter because if you are clean, careful, and safe winter is better. I know it sounds like a lot of work but really they are just the things we should be doing everyday.

Don't let those summer lovers tell you are a cold person just because you like winter!

By: Miranda

Cellphone ?

"Mom, Mom!!! Please can I have a cell phone? Everyone else has one." Have you heard that before? Have you thought of both sides of having a phone? I think that everyone that is a young teen should have a cell phone. Are you ready for your child to have a phone or not?

I think that young teens should have a phone because they can keep in touch with friends, and family. They can keep undated on what's happening in the school and with friends. Also, they can keep pictures of special moments like a vacation or trip. Some phones have internet access so they can check the weather, news, sports, etc. Some have an MP3 player/Ipod built into them so they can listen to music while doing household work.

Some people think we should not have a phone because they think we will be rude with the phone. Another reason is that we will spend too much time on the phone talking or texting. One way we could fix that is by not texting during lunch or when someone is talking to us. The last reason is adults think we will misuse the phone, such as taking bad pictures of one another.

I hope you thought of the positive side about my opinion, and thought of getting your child a phone.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tackles vs. Flips

Most people think that gymnastics is easier than football. I would have to disagree. Gymnastics works not only muscle strength, it also works flexibility. Have you ever sen Shawn Johnson do flips on TV? Have you seen the NFL with your dad on Sunday? This essay will tell you which sport is best for you.
Gymnastics is not an easy sport. You have to be light so you can do high flips. It's important to get a lot of height so you don't hurt yourself. You also have to discipline yourself. You will only get better by setting goals and practicing. Finally, you have to be flexible. You can't do as much when your not. Gymnastics is definitely a hard sport.
Football is the most dangerous sport. You get injured with concussions, broken legs, and snapped necks. Also there are a lot of rivalries that involve others getting hurt. Last, you need a lot of pads. You need them everywhere, plus a helmet and a mudguard. Mostly everything in football is dangerous.
Sure, both of these are hard But again gymnastics works muscle strength and flexibility. Remember: If gymnastics were easy, it would be called football. Well, what do you think?

Basketball is better than Football

I am going to tell you somethings about why basketball is better then football and why basketball isnt better then football. Some people think basketball is better than football because it is easier to score. You do not really have to run that much and if you do not have a good shoot then just pass the ball to one of your teammates. In football, you cannot throw your teammate the ball every time you are stuck you have to either run or be tackled. If someone hits you or something like that then it is a foul because you cannot just go up to someone and tackle him or her. Basketball is for girls and boys, football is not, and this is why there is an NBA and WNBA. These are some reason that basketball is not better then football because you can tackle people. You can get people back if they tackle you and it really hurts. You can hurt people and you can lean on people but in basketball if you do that it will be a foul. Football is only for boys some people believe that girls will cry every time they are hurt or tackled. I hope you learned something about basketball and football and i also hope you all enjoyed my essay.

The Best Sport

The Best Sport

Most people think soccer is a dumb sport. I have 3 reasons why I think it's not. Also 3 reasons why you might think it is dumb. I hope I you will change your mind at the end of my story.
3 reasons why I think soccer is the best is soccer is the best sport in the world. It's very popular in Europe, Asia, and Africa. It's fun to use your feet. Most sports don't let you but soccer is different. It's hard work but worth it. You have to condition a lot but during games it's a lot of fun. That's why I like soccer
3 reasons you might think it's stupid. You might think using your feet is the dumbest thing ever invented into a sport. Everyone in U.S.A loves football. Everybody thinks it's the best sport in the world. I like football but U.S.A is the only country that plays it pretty much. You might think that it's not worth the practices and time.
Over all I think soccer is the best sport ever made. I hope I convinced you to. So if try to play soccer again don't quit after the first practice. Play a few years and get better and I bet you like it a lot.

The snow sport: why is it good? why is it bad?

Have you ever hit the slopes? Well perhaps you should consider riding a snowboard.Snowboarding down a mountain is the funnest thing ever. One time i was riding and i did a 360 nose grab and it was really fun. I will be telling you why I think you should ride a snowboard, and why you should not.

Snowboarding can be good for you. It builds muscle, gets you outside, and lets you have a blast! Another reason snowboarding is good is because you get to choose your style. You can freestyle, freeride, go for the speed, or be out there just to be out there.Snowboarding usually requires a helmet, goggles, coat, ha, boots, and obviously a snowboard.

I can see why people would not like to snow board. In my opinion, snowboarding can be very dangerous. All it take is one little mistake, and you may not ever walk again. Some think that snowboarding is very hard to learn.Snowboarding requires alot of athleticism and agility believe it or not. but for me I started 5 years ago and just popped up on a board and fell in love with the sport. So, if I have persuaded you to hop on a board, well its winter so its the perfect time to start!!!!!

-Philip g.

Do It Yourself or Have It Done For You?

Are books better than movies?

Hundreds of books and movies are made each year. Both apply to all ages, so why not go for using your intellectual resources? But many people pick a favorite between the two. I personally prefer books. In this essay, we will talk about it. Books or movies, which do you prefer?

Some people feel that movies are better than books. They like how it gives you visual action. A variety of people like to see the story unfold before their eyes. But I think books are better because your imagination isn't limited by actors or sets. With books, you get to choose what the characters look like in your head. How can you grow your imagination if it's always done for you?

Another reason some people like movies is that they only take a couple of hours to watch. Reading can take days or weeks! But that's because books are better for your mind and for your education. Your brain has to comprehend the text. In the end, you engage your brain longer.

People may prefer movies as a form of relaxation. When you're reading a book it takes more work as you think about the words. Movies do the thinking for you. But having a story done more quickly isn't always the best. Books can last longer and pull you in more. Details can be very vivid and even though movies may be fun to watch, books often times contain more major characters and story lines that may be left out of a movie. Some people also find reading relaxing.

Although there are more than 10 million movies in the world, books have been enjoyed for centuries. There are many millions of books in print. In the National Library of Congress alone there are a whopping 141,847,810 books! In conclusion, reading builds your imagination, intellect, and it's just plain fun! So, what's your choice? I definitely think books are a lot better, not only for your imagination, but for your amusement too!!!

Anna R.

Football is stupid!!

Have you ever walked into your family room and your dad is watching the football on t.v all day?
Football is one of the most common sports played. But it is also one of the stupidest sports. In this essay I will explain the reasons why football is or isn't stupid.

In football you get tackled. Some people can get seriously injured. People can get concussions. And you can break any bone in your body. There is no point in playing football. All you do is run and try to get the ball. Basketball and other sports have good points to them. And to the game.
Football creates fights and it could create your wost enemy. You could be best friends with one person then the next thing you know that person is your worst enemy. There is more hate in the world because of football! We need world peace!

Some people love football. You can meet new friends who are on you team. Some people think football is fun. You run to catch the ball and when you get a touchdown you feel happy. And proud of yourself.
If you get hurt, you can recover. Some people break bones and get concussions but they eventually recover from it.

Football can be very fun, but it's a stupid sport. Usually the most fun sports are kind of stupid. I personally think football is stupid. I hope you chose what you think- football is stupid or it isn't stupid.

Written by: Alyssa R.

Are You Ready For Some Football!?

What is your favorite sport? Mine is football. If you like golf, I'm going to tell you why football is better than golf.
You should choose football over golf. In golf the scores are confusing. If you get a hole in one you lose a point.
Even though you get hurt in football you have fun doing it. Golf is frustratingly hard. You have to hit the ball at the right power and at the right angle. In conlusion football is better than golf because it is not as hard as golf but it is not easy either.
Lachlan A.

Twilight vs. Harry Potter: what one?

Have you ever not been able to find the right book? Then read Twilight or Harry but what one? There is a very big competition between the two books: Twilight and Harry Potter. They are both very famous and are movies. Both have an amazing amount of fans. Also both of the authors are great writers. This essay will look at both sides and see what one is better.

Twilight is a great saga. In it, there is 4 books. As they get they get even better then the one before. Twilight is about a human falling love with a vampire. It seems like it could be real- accept Theres vampires and werewolves.

Harry Potter is a good series too. With 7 books in it. Its like they pull you into the the school of Hogwarts. The books are about Harry, his friends and his near death experiences at wizard school. They are fun to read because in every book he barely escapes death.

Even though they both are great books I personally love the the Twilight saga. Its interesting to read. It pulls you in and keeps you in. Twilight is a great book to read.


goodbye:yeah right

Imagine the ground cracking and lava coming out, “yeah right” that is just crazy do you think the world will end in 2012? Some people do?
One I don’t think so because they have said it before in 2000. I also took a survey and most people think it won’t. Only three out of twenty people think it will. They also have no proof. The proof they use is crazy like when the planets will align and we will burn.
A couple reasons it could happen is they say it happens every 64,000 years. The last time it happened all the dinosaurs perished. Also the planets will align and the earth will burn because it will be too close to the sun. Last almost every religion says it will like on the Mayans calendar.
Well since some people believe in 2012 but I don’t.

cassi t.

Is football a danger to the players?

Imagine you're at a football game ,you have your hot dog with relish and your nachos with extra cheese and your favorite player gets hurt, that is a reason why football is dangerous. If that does not convince you, there are some more reasons. You are always getting hit. People get hurt all the time. Lastly you get brain damage from the smell of the locker room.

Some people think that football is not dangerous. They say that they're safe with all the pads. That they don't get hit often. If they get hurt they heal fast. I say football is dangerous but the decision is yours.


Real or fake?

The twinkly lights that shine on it, the ornaments hanging from
it's branches, and all the presents under it.
Every year many people decorate a Christmas tree, they either go get it out of storage, or they go to the tree lot and buy their Christmas tree.
Some people have to decide what kind of Christmas tree they want, artificial or real?
Every year people spend hundreds of dollars to buy Christmas trees and some buy artificial trees
and some buy real trees, so which is the better one?
I prefer artificial trees because they last longer for about 6 years, most people prefer It because Its so easy to put away and assemble, its not messy, and trees aren't being cut down.
But Its made from a non-renewable resource (petroleum), and the branches also bend so when you get it out of storage so you might need to do a lot of touch ups.
Live Christmas trees have something that an artificial tree doesn't.... A scent!
Live Christmas trees are more traditional and they come in more unique shapes and sizes.
But Live Christmas trees shed needles, the have the scent of pine that might be unappealing to others, and it can catch on fire.
I think that the artificial Christmas tree is better because it last longer and its not a really hazard.
So whatever tree you pick for Christmas decorate it with the whole family!
Happy Holidays!

Vivian L.

Why Soccer is fun

Do you like Soccer? Because i do. In this story i will tell you why soccer is good. And why some people might think it is bad.

A reason why i think soccer is fun is because there is so many teams. Like professional soccer or college my favorite professional team is Italy.

Another reason why i think soccer is good is because you run a lot so you get a lot of exercise and you only use your feet unless you are in a throw in or if you are a golly.

A reason why i think it is so unique is because you only get to use your feet unless you are golly or in a throw in.
A reason why i think it is fun is you get to kick the ball really far.
A reason why somebody might think soccer is not fun is you have to run a lot. Or you can not use your hands. And sometimes people kick the ball and it hits you in the face.
I hope you understand why soccer is so fun.
Carter C

A Game of Monopoly or a Day at the Beach

Would you rather be at the beach getting a tan while you are on vacation or be at home playing a game of Monopoly with your family? Which do you think is better? Family time or vacation time.

Family time is better then vacation time because you can learn more about your family by asking questions about each other. It can get you away from work stresses, etc. Seeing your family might melt your worries and bring laughter. Not as many fights will occur, causing the family to make a decision that they will enjoy and love.

Family time is not better then vacation time because you can experience new things. Like your first plane ride. It can also get you away from family and/or work stresses so you can take the time to sit down and relax. Last, you can see new exotic things you've never seen or heard of.

I think that family time is better then vacation time because you can have more laughs. Feel like somebody actually cares about you. Plus you might see things from a different point of view.
So what's your answer?

Ashley D.

Circles or Squares: Which One is Better?

It doesn't seem important, and it probably isn't, but this essay will examine if circles or squares are better. So before you read this essay I have one simple question to ask you. Are circles or squares better?
Some reasons circles are better than squares are first circles are more fun and are normally popular symbols. On bags and t-shirts you normally see designs, patterns, or symbols where the base shape is a circle. Second squares have 90 degree angles, are pointy, and fit less people. If you have a round table you can fit more people because there are no corners. Third wheels are circular which lets the car drive smoother and better. It would be very, very bumpy to drive a car with square or cube wheels. Those are my reasons that circles are better than squares.
Some reasons squares are better than circles are one, you won't fall off a cube. If you were to sit on a sphere ou would have a better chance of falling off unlike a cube. Two, you normally pack your stuff in a cardboard box if you are moving. I don't think you would normally pack you stuff in a cardboard circle or cardboard sphere. Three, robots are made from cubes. It would be really weird to see a robot made from spheres.
Based on the reasons I have givin, my final opinon is circles are better than squares. I hope you agree with me. I also hope you enjoyed my essay.

Stephanie K.

Lake Vs. Ocean

I could feel the wind blowing against my face. I was out on a boat gliding through the water. This is what it is like when you are out in a boat at Lake Tahoe. Lake Tahoe is a great summer vacation place. Clearwater FL. is also a great place. Both of these places are awesome! I think Lake Tahoe is better, but in this essay you will find out what place you like.

First, lets listen to the Lake Tahoe side. One of the best reasons is that you get to go horse back riding. You get to go riding up one of the most prettiest mountains there. Wait!!! Now if you didn't like the sound of the horse thing well wait to you hear the next reason! The next reason would be a mini cruise ship. On the mini cruise ship you can ride around on Lake Tahoe. The wind feels great on your face as the ship sails. On the ship you can jump off into he water and take a dip. Finally, outside it is the perfect temperature to walk to a bunch of different shops. Or you can even walk out on the beach.

Now, the other side to the essay is Clearwater FL. The first reason would by you can swim in the ocean. The ocean is not cold but not to warm. The waves go up to a perfect height for you to bobble in the water. Another reason would be there are Putt-Putt golf places everywhere. It is fun in the evening to play and just hit the golf ball into a hole. Finally, the sand is as soft as a blanket. When I was there I laid on the sand instead of a towel. It is the softest and whitest sand in U.S.

Now don't both of those places sound amazing! I hope you chose witch side you are on! But I do hope you most of you agree with Lake Tahoe! It is truly amazing. Now I have to get back to sun tanning and reading my magazine out on the boat!

The Best in Baseball

Here's the pitch, swing. It's going, going, gone! Homerun! There have been lots of opinions on who the best is in the MLB but there is only one team that I think of. Which team do you think of?
In my opinion I think the Yankees are the best in the MLB. A few reasons are: The Yankees have won 27 world series when other teams in the MLB have only won about 12. Also. the Yankees have won the most recent world series. They beat the Phillies, the team that won last year. Another reason is, the Yankees almost always go to the playoffs. I can't think of a time when they haven't.
Some people will disagree with me and I can respect that. Some reasons to backup that opinion is: The Yankees didn't win all of their games. They lost some games against the Phillies in their series. another reason is, the Yankees haven't won the world series in almost 12 years. They won in 1998. One more reason is, the Yankees lose all of the time against a bunch of different teams. They lose to the Red Sox all of the time.
Lots of people think that other teams in the MLB are the best, but when I think of the best, I think of the Yankees.

Tanner G.

Sports Galore

Imagine you and your team going out on the field, arena, or court to accept first prize for winning a tournament. You'll hear the crowd monstrously cheering your name. You'll be pumping your fist in the air in a heartbeat. Your teamates will be celebrating like no other. This is tournament teams, the best part of sports.

There are three reasons, in my opinion, tournament teams are the best. One reason is there is more competition among the teams. It's often the best versus the best. Teams come from all over the state and country. Another is staying at hotels. On long-distance tournaments you can have the time of your life with your team by swimming and playing games. The last reason is celebrations. Even if you lose the tournament, you can still celebrate being on the team.

Some reasons that my opinion may not be shared is that the whole point is competition. If you don't like competitive sports the tournament level isn't right for you. Another is some families can't afford the travel, tournament expenses, and hotel costs because of the bad economy. One last reason is you fight to celebrate and if you don't like to celebrate, there's no point.

That is what tournament teams are and if you like it good, but if you didn't or don't now is your chance to change. That image is waiting for you. Pump your fist in the air and celebrate. Go out, be free, and join tournament teams, the best part of sports.
Ty S.

Soccer is #1

Have you ever had a favorite sport and nobody agreed. I think soccer is the best sport in the world. The green windblown feild, lined with white paint, two big goals, bleachers on one side and the player benches on the other and that one round ball right in the middle of the feild. Although others think that football is better. Who is right soccer or football? In this essay you will find some reasons why you should pick soccer over football or maybe you will stick football, who knows?
Recently we have found out that soccer is the #1 sport in the world. We know that football is the #1 sport in the U.S. but on a world wide basis soccer is #1. Some boys say "soccer is a girl sport" but it's not. The national level started out as only boys teams then eventuly let girls paly on that level too. Also you don't make plays you just go with what is happening and try to score. It won't cost as much too you have to pay one to four refs but no more then that. Next you have to get use to using only your feet and it a lot easier then it sounds. Finaly there are many diffrent clubs for all ages and levels. Who knows you may be the next best soccer player if you put your mind to it!?

Why does football stop every play? Do they get too tired or are they just lazy. They say it is tiring tackling people. It is also more aggressive. On the up side for football your score is worth more points so it looks like a better score. Also hundreds of people come to high school football games and high school soccer games brings about fifty people. You practice more in football and go to specal bowl games. Next it is the most watched sport in America. The football player get the girl most of the time. All the pads they wear make them look stronger. They are already strong as it is too.

Well I think soccer is better but you decide. They are both phisical activites that are good for you. Soccer is so much fun and hard at the same time. If you want a challenege go for soccer. Unlike football, it is easy and kind of hard I guess. Although, I recommend you side with soccer.

Animal Testing: Good or Bad.

Ever wonder why medicine is safe and doesn't have a lot of side effects? They know that by testing, on animals like mice and rats. A lot of animals are effected. Dogs, cats, and birds all are effected. This essay will reveal both sides of testing on animals.
Medicine is tested to make sure it doesn't kill someone, but in the makings, many animals can die. I believe animal testing is wrong, but i also agree it's right. One of the many reasons it's wrong is that it's unfair to the animals. Just imagine, how would you feel if you were tested on?? Well, that's how animals feel. Another reason is that they sometimes die when the vaccine is wrong. Let's say that all the rats and mice disappeared, the food chain could lose a link and so forth. Now, let's say the doctors are trying to find a cure for...heart disease. They find a stray on the road. Now before I continue, I don't think they've found a cure, I'm just choosing a sickness. So they find a stray and put the vaccine in a dog who has a blood clot. They cure the blood clot, thinking they cured heart disease. They can give the vaccine and things can go wrong.
The reasin that it is good is that we found a vaccine and can sell it, to stop the spread of a disease. If we stopped, how would we know the vaccine wouldn't kill us? Another reason, they are safe. The doctors can see the side effects and hope they are not that serious. We won't suffer from what the vaccine does to us. If we continue animal testing, why don't we test on one, not many? It would be better for the animals. This essay has revealed the sides of animal testing. What ever you choose is your opinion. Thank you for reading my essay!!!!!!!!

Best Team?

There were 32 seconds left on the clock. The ball was snapped to the quarterback Kyle Orton. He dropped back to pass, and saw Brandon Marshall (wide receiver) with 2 Bengal players guarding him. Then, Kyle chucked the ball toward Brandon Marshall who tipped the ball right before the defenders did. Somehow out of nowhere Brandon Stokley ran under the ball and caught it. Stokley ran 30 yards to score a touchdown! Broncos won! This is one reason why I think that the Denver Broncos are the best team in the NFL. You might agree with me if you read the following paragraphs.
I believe the Broncos are the best team, because they have several great players. Also Pro Bowl players such as Kyle Orton (QB), Brandon Marshall (WR), Brian Dawkins (FS), and many more. This means they have been selected to play in an All-Star game against the other conference (NFC). There are 16 teams in each conference. So it is an honor to get to play in the Pro Bowl. The Broncos started the year 6-0. They are in the western division of the AFC. The Broncos hired coach Josh McDaniels as head coach. He was the Offensive Coordinator for the Patriots. Coach McDaniels sat Brandon Marshall the best receiver on the Broncos in the biggest game of the year because Marshall wasn't trying hard in practice. Also Jay Cutler (QB) was wining because he heard McDaniels was going to trade him for Matt Cassel (Patriots QB). So he got mad and demanded a trade. Therefore Josh McDaniels commands respect from his players. Lastly the fans are very supportable unlike some teams.
Some reasons you might not think they're not the best is that they didn't make the playoffs. Some say they get lucky like they did against the Bengals and that their wins weren't earned. Also some say their quarterback Kyle Orton isn't very good. Also their defensive line can't stop the run. All teams have weaknesses though.
To me a great football team has great offense, defense, and coaches. To me the Broncos have all those which makes them the best team.

Noah T

Which side will you choose??

Bouncing off the waves flopping back on the tube, having the best time of the day. I think tubing is better than wake-boarding. Which side will you choose??

The ultimate game when your tubing is called, King of the tube. King of the tube is when everyone is on one tube and everyone tries to push people off and the last person is the king of the tube. the second reason is it is very fun when the driver of the boat can go as fast as the speed limit and the whole time you challenge yourself not to fall off for, example you would be practicing not falling off on those sharp turns that the driver does. The last reason is if you have a three tuber tube (or you can just go on your own tube) the driver can just take you for a slow ride and everyone can relax.

Now you can see the opposite, tubing isn't better than wake-boarding. Tubing hurts more because when you go over enormous waves and flop back on to the tube and you legs get really sore. It is not good way to learn how to balance unlike wake-boarding you learn how to balance very good. Another reason is when girls are wearing bikinis and when you are slipping off your bottoms slip off a little (it's true!) My last reason is when you are going over all the giant waves flopping back onto the tube, you get super duper headache. Sometimes if you're really far away from your lake house you'd probly have to deal with it, and last for a long time!
From hearing both opinions, I hope you start thinking about my side. Tubing is a great activity to do when your super bored!!
~Jenna K.~

Apples or Dells

Lets say your at the store and need a new laptop and can't decide if you want a Apple or Dell. When you read this I think you may be able to choose by what I'm telling you.
In my opinon. They have more settings and they come with many different things like the camera and games. Apples are also much faster than Dells when it comes to pulling up programs like the internet. It takes a long time for a Dell to pull up something like the internet. They also have a built in camera unlike Dell. You can use the camera to put pictures on your facebook.
The only way Dells are good is that they are cheaper so you can afford them if your low on money. Also they have less settings so its easier to work. Lastly, they can come in smaller sizes for traveling.
This is why I like Apples better and how Dells could use some work.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cell Phones

"Please please pleaseeee". That's what you would here from a kid that doesn't have a phone and wants one. Some kids have cell phones some kids don't.Should kids have cell phones? That's the big question.
I think all kids should have a cell phone because it teaches responsibility.Or if your kids are in trouble they can call for help. Like what would happen if you were at the mall and your son or daughter got separated, they could call you and meet back up with them.
With the cell phone comes some bad things. Like it cost money to have a working cell phone. If you put Internet on there phone they could search bad things. They could talk to there friends about inappropriate thing.
But you will have to trust your son or daughter not to do bad thing. Talk to them about the responsibility that comes with a phone.But all in all I think kids should have a cell phone.
Now if you give your kid a cell phone this is what you'll here. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

By Aaron S

Nuclear Weapons, Safety or Threat?

America has many nuclear weapons. That can be good and bad. We have won (at least as far as I know) one war with nuclear weapons. But that's not saying someone else will get the idea of doing that to other countries and it could turn to nuclear war! Most likely we are going to be targeted first because we would be a threat to the person/army if we went up against them. Everyone knows the strongest or most powerful are targeted and/or hated the most (if they have bad intentions). For example it's possible that some guy from another county might want to be the strongest and for him to be the strongest you have to take out the most powerful. I think that we have too many nuclear weapons, but that's just me.

A smart move for America might be too get of some nuclear weapons. We don't know if some countries form an army against us because they fear were going to blow them up. We also have a few nukes and atam bombs but that is way to many! Nukes can cause devastating effects on the landscape. And I'm talking about more then just a few miles I'm talking HUGE amounts. Same goes with atam bombs. Its also not the best idea to have to many explosives. Because its possible that a enemy country targeted a nuclear storage and then the neighboring states would not have a pretty future.

However, some people think its a good idea to have a ridiculous amount of explosives. If something ever happened like world war 3 then we would have the upper hand. Even though if it was nuclear war then no one would really have the upper hand because of the nuclear devastation. If other large countries used nuclear weapons often then the world would be thrown into chaos! Also many countries may leave us alone because they know were the most powerful and don't want to get on our bad side. Like when some other country bombed us we sent an even bigger bomb to them and they went kaboom! They may also be suspicious of us. Maybe curious what were doing with all the bombs. They could be curious we have a reason for all of it.

So even though having nuclear weapons can be good, we don't want too many. Because you will never know when they will backfire! Literally.

Basketball is the Best Sport

Can you imagine being on the court, with the ball, and the crowd is cheering you on to shoot it? Do you know what sport it is? It is basketball. I am here to tell you the reasons why basketball is the best sport. I will also tell you why people think basketball isn't the best sport. Which side will you choose?

One reason I personally think basketball is the best sport is it is a great way to exercise. This is true because you run back and forth a lot and burn a lot of calories. Another reason is anyone can play. It can be fun no matter how old you are or what gender you are. My final reason is it is suspenseful to watch. For example a basketball team could be down by 20 points in the first half and by the end of the game they can win.

Here are some reasons why people don't think basketball is the best sport. One reason is it takes a lot of time and energy. For example, Drake women's basketball team practices 4 times a week for 3 hours. Another reason is there are many ways to get injured. For example a game can get rough because everyone wants to get possession of the ball that you may have to get stitches or bandaged. My final reason is it is a team sport. This is true because if you have a team with only one good player instead of a team that plays together you may not be able to win.

My conclusion is basketball is the best sport because no matter what happens you will always have fun. Now why don't you go buy a ticket to a basketball game? Or go to a basketball clinic and see how fun basketball is!

Noah S.

Disneyworld Better Than Disneyland? Yes

Imagine yourself walking into the biggest theme park in the United States and everybody rushing to get in line for some of the most popular rides in the park. Have you been to Disneyworld? Well I have and I think Disneyworld is much better than Disneyland. Did you know that Disney world is one of the most popular vacation spots in the United States? It gets more than 100,000 visitors each day. In this essay I will compare Disneyworld and Disneyland and try to persuade you to believe Disneyworld is the better park, as I do.

First of all Disneyworld is so much bigger than Disneyland. Why go to the land when you can go to the world?! For example, Disneyland can fit into the front parking lot in Magic Kingdom in Disneywold. Also, Disneyworld is a multi-themed park while Disneyland is a small themed park. At Disneyworld you have 7 places to choose from rather than just two at Disneyland. In addition, Disneyworld was made in 1971 but Disneyland was made in 1955 so Disneyworld has more new rides and attractions.

Some believe Disneyworld is not better. For example, Disneyworld costs about $12 more per person for one day. You could save money by going to Disneyland. Also, some like the location of California better than Florida. Disneyland is also the original theme park, built and created first. That makes it pretty special, in some people's opinions.

Although you would save money on the daily rate for Disneyland and the location might be more appealing to some, I believe that what a park has to offer, the fun and amusement it can provide are the most important points. I believe you truly get your money's worth at Disneyworld because there are a lot more rides and sites to choose from. You have a lot more experiences, choices and therefore memories than in a smaller park like Disneyland.

By: Mason S

Just Keep Swimming!

What is your favorite sport? Mine is swimming and I will tell you some reasons why
it should be yours. I might also tell you why you might not think so, if that was possible.

One reason why I think swimming is the best sport is swimming is because if you swim
for a while you will become very healthy. Take Michael Phelps for an example, he eats over
1,000 calories just for breakfast. Another reason is because you get to mess around in water.
The last reason is because you don't get sweaty and you wouldn't get as dehydrated like say
running or a sport that you are working the whole time.

Now I will tell you some reasons why you might think otherwise about swimming. One is
because it doesn't have action or violence. Another reason is because it's very easy and it takes
hard work. The last and final one is because you would have to eat healthy which means eating
gross food like fruits and vegtebles.

Now that I have told you some reasons about swimming, you decide the better sport, the smart
thing to do is choose swimming, but it's your decision.

Brett H.

Where Do You Go For Vacation?

"I have no idea were to go this year for the family!"Mrs. Jamies said. "Well, what about Wisconson? Just pichure it, the hot, shimering sun on you face, your kids enjoying the water by the splashing waves, and then having a relacing time by the fire at night. What do you say?" I answered. "I guess I could give it a try." This post will be about my side and everyone else's thought about Wisconson.

My side of the story

Wisconsin is the best place for a vacation because that there are tons of lakes to play in. You can go swimming, skiing, nee boarding, and tubing in the summer. You can also do skating and ice fishing in the lake and in the snow you can go sledding, make snowman, and have snowball fites in the winter. In all of these you can enjoy the great outdoors.
Wisconson is so great because it has a town called Wisconsin Dells with a great hotel named Kalahari. There is an amusement park with a race track, restaurants, and jungle gyms there. There's also lazier gun fites, a farriers wheel, and a game room. There is a movie theater, a water park inside and out, and relaxing mud baths.
Wisconson is so amazing because there is a big city, the capital, Madison, Wisconsin which is really fun there. Their are tons of shopping malls and stores, on the river you can go sailing and fishing there. They have a lot of great restaurants, cool hotels, and big theaters there too.

The other side of the story

Wisconsin isn't the best vacation place. It's not warm all year round there. It's a place where they have four seasons and it gets hot and cold.
It's in the middle of nowhere sometimes in Wisconsin. There are big cities and small towns with not that many people, or it might be just a bunch of farmland.
It's cold a lot longer than other places. A detail is that it's farther up north and it snows a lot. It takes along time for it to melt when it is bitter cold up there.

"My family and I had a blast at Wiconson. We are so glad we came here and hope that you would what to come here sometime too, like us. We wish you happy vacations."

Maddie R.

Tackle or Catch

"Crack!" The shoulder pads hit!
"Slam!" The helmets bang!
"Umph!" The sound of the player hitting the ground.
"Yeah!" The roar of the crowd."You just saved a touchdown!"
That is why I like football more than baseball. Just feeling the momentum of hitting someone. I know a lot of people that like both sports. That's why I chose to do this topic for my opinion essay. So, do you like football or baseball more? In this essay you will learn why both sports are good and some what bad.

Football is better than baseball because football is a high scoring game. Touchdowns are 7 points and field goals are 3 points. The next reason that football is better than baseball is that you are blocking and tackling so you are constantly moving around. Another reason football is better than baseball is that in football you get to tackle people. You wear pads and a helmet and you get to cream them! The last reason football is better than baseball is that you can catch and throw the football with out using a baseball glove since the ball is bigger. That is why football is better than baseball.

Football isn't better than baseball because baseball isn't as physical as football so your body doesn't take a beating. The next reason football isn't better than baseball is that since your body doesn't take a beating, you play 100 games a year instead of 16. The last reason football isn't better than baseball is that in baseball you have more playing time. You are not using much energy so you get to play both offense and defense. That is why football isn't better than baseball.

Even though I like football over baseball, baseball is still an awesome sport to play. That is why I want to know what people like more, football or baseball. So, if you could please leave me a comment telling me if you like football or baseball more, that would be great! Thanks!!!!!

David W.


Do you like go fish or even solitaire.Well I like tens .This opinion essay will show why tens is the best card game and other opinions.

Why I think tens is the best card game is because,you can play by yourself or two players.You can play all sorts of games,double tens two players, or even six players but you would need six decks. Its quick challenging and in double tens it test your speed.

Other people might think that tens is the worst game ever and black jack is the best.Here are some examples why tens wouldn't be so great .For two players you would need 104 cards that you might not have.You might not be so good at shuffling but you need to know how to shuffle to win.All the games very similar that might not be so fun.

I understand why people think its not so great.But I hope I changed your opinion.

Tommy S.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Baseball or Couch Potato

What do you like to do in the summer? If you like to sit and watch T.V., well then get a new hobby! I think baseball is a great sport and a great hobby for the summer.

One reason is that you are up and active instead of watching T.V. all day and being lazy. When you are watching T.V. you are not doing anything for others. You will be able to do something for others just by hitting the ball. Then you will have a good feeling and you will get better. If you are a fan then you can go to games and have fun there. You will be able to watch them and maybe get a souvenir!

Some people say that baseball is dangerous. Some people can get hurt by the balls. Pitches are wild and not good. Games are crowded a lot of times. Stadiums can hold a lot of people and they're big. Sitting in the stands in the summer can be really hot! It won't be so fun if you are burning up in the sun.

I understand why people do not like baseball. When you are playing you will build muscles, learn to interact with others, your social life will get bigger, and you can get more friends. Now would you rather be a couch potato or having fun with others playing sports? It is your choice, not mine.

Noah B

Suburb or City?

When I envision the town I want to live in I think of a nice quiet suburb. Others think of a busy bustling city. Where would you rather live?

I think that Waukee is the best town for a family to live in.
This is because Waukee has a big population with small town characteristics. Every year there is an Easter Egg-Hunt, 4th of July fireworks show, Waukee Fest, & a Winter Fest.
There is always something to do in Waukee. Whether it's a library program, a Warrior football game, or a high school play there is never a boring moment in Waukee.
Waukee School District is a local, high-ranking school system. While still growing dramatically in size we are also growing educationally & technologically.

On the other hand West Des-Moines is a very large, overpopulated town.
West Des-Moines has more shopping centers than the urban area it surrounds. When the suburb is just as large as the city it's starting to get overpopulated.
The school district of west Des-Moines has 14 district facilities and the biggest high school in the state. With a very widespread district the learning is not student based.
You can't walk a couple of blocks down the road and have the park, bowling alley, & grocery store at your finger tips. West Des-Moines is triple the size of Waukee making it hard to walk everywhere.

Waukee is a nice quiet town close to the city with everything you need right by you while West Des-Moines is busy and bustling as the city itself.

Ian C.

Sailing Anyone?

Do you have a favorite summer activity? I think that sailing is the best summer activity. It's ecspecially fun when the waves are big and you rock back and forth. It's always wavy where the yacht club is. I am going to tell you about the pros and cons of each side.

Sailing is the best summer activity because it's something to do. A lot of kids get bored in the summer and they need something interesting to entertain them. Sailing is perfect! Sailing also teaches you how to cooperate with others, because you have to work together so the boat doesn't tip over. In sailing you don't just do one thing you do multiple things which make it interesting. You can steer the boat, run front or main sail, and much more.

However, I can understand how you may think that sailing is a great activity. You might not have access to a sailboat so therefore you wouldn't think sailing is fun. Some people might not be able to take lessons for various reasons, so you can't learn how. Others just get so stuck to one thing that they aren't willing to try other things.

I think that sailing is a great activity to do in the summer on those blazing hot days, because you are on water to cool you off. It is just something to keep you busy.

Molly A.

Kick, dribble, volley, SCORE!

Do you like to play sports? I do and I love it. Sports keep me busy, and I have to work hard. In this essay, I will tell you that sports are hard work, but worth it. So her it goes:
I play soccer and I am on 2 basketball teams. One is a game team, and the other is a tournament team. I also play volleyball. All these sports make you work hard, and you have a lot of fun playing and seeing your friends.
They sometimes conflict, but I make it work. Sometimes it is hard, but I have to make a choice. Some people don't like sports because they have to run, they don't like what you have to wear, or they think it is boring. But I bet you could find a sport you like. I love sports, and I bet you would too if you give it a chance!


Soccer is fun!

Do you think soccer is fun? Yes, it's different then most sports that's what I like about it. I am going to tell you the bad and good reasons but I want you to get in to soccer, so I hope you change your mind.
One thing is it has competition because you try to steal the ball and score. In most sports you use your hands not in soccer. Its fun to use your feet.
Scoring a goal is not as easy as it looks people think it's a easy to score. To score in soccer you must pass people just think you can run up a field and kick it its not that easy you must PASS! You have to run and try to pass the ball up the field and try to score.
These are some things people said how its not a fun sport.
They said its so boring you just sit there and do nothing. Also people think you just run up and down a field. people wonder if how they can't get so bored out there they think were crazy,well there crazy.
I hope my opinion changed your mind about soccer I hope yo like it. You should try it some time when your free!

"Walls" way to hard.

"The agony, oh the agony. I don't dream I can make it." Those were words of by a victim of a wall. You can easily wound yourself by hitting them. Many living souls hit them and really hate them.Well do you?
They are really weird and are made out of really hard concrete bricks. I have hit many walls and I have gotten damaged. I have seen ancestors in the hospital because of those hard bricks. OK maybe not but walls are still firm. I can see why they are hard, they need to hold up the walls. Walls can also be changed into different colors to make them look cool. Still if you hit a wall they will hurt you severely. I know that some men don't care how hard walls are, but I do! Walls are good for holding up a building, but walls are not good for our safety. Walls why do they have to be so hard? "Sigh". I think that walls are to hard and should be as soft as feathers.
In the situation of you hitting a wall what would you rather hit a feather or a brick wall! Whats your answer?

By Jacob M

Transformers 2 is the best movie of 2009

image from

Have you ever seen a movie and said you can't wait until it comes out? It 's an action packed movie. Would you want to see it? I will talk about why it's my favorite movie and what someone elses opion. Will you decide by the end of this essay? Transformers 2 is the best movie of 2009. It's very suspenseful. Lots of people die and you don't know what will happen next. Transformers 2 has a lot of action. There are a lot of explosions and lots of robot parts go flying. Also someone might say Transformers 2 is not good. It's very loud and there are a lot of explosions. It has a lot of bad words. People swear in a lot of the movie. The movie is too violent. People die and there are a lot of explosions and deaths. Can you wait until it comes out on DVD? This is why Transformers 2 is my favorite movie and it's the best movie of 2009! You should go out and by it. It's a phenomenal movie!

Matt S

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day Resources

I don't know how many of you will check our blog today on your day off, but I'd like to get some conversation going.

A few questions for you:
  • Any big snow day plans? It's not really a day for sledding. I don't even know if sixth graders go sledding. If you think you're too old to go sledding, shame on you.
  • What projects can you get a head start on? You can use these links to start researching your Egypt projects for Social Studies. You can also use these links to search and build background knowledge.
  • If you want to play some brain games, you can use Mr. Kaechele's Delicious Links. I'm also starting to get a list going.
  • We will be doing 3 for 3 peer revising tomorrow on your opinion essays. Today would be a great day to have your parents or siblings check out your essay. Pull them in with your title. Bring up some schema with your introduction. Make sure your reasons are not restated opinions and that your facts are facts. Your conclusion should have a call to action. What do you want us to do after reading your essay? Go see the movie, buy a PS3 or change the world!? Here is the link to the rubric.
I'll be around the computer most of the day, so feel free to post any questions or comments you have. 

-Mr. G

Friday, December 4, 2009

Opinion Essay

The rubric for the opinion essay will aid in turning your outline or graphic organizer into an essay. Have your parents look over your essay and compare it to the rubric. Discuss each point with them.

If an outline is your style, you can use this one.

Here are some sample essays that may guide you. They are the essays we read through in class.

If you have questions over the weekend, send me an email or leave me a voicemail with the Google Voice gadget in the sidebar.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

First Soccer Game

First soccer game....Im interviewing my coach Fransico Jr. Fernandes known as "JR" when he turned pro.

The pressure was on JR said as he walked on for his first ever soccer game. He said when he went on the field he was scared stiff and he was excited. He said he would get subbed out see what happens in the story.

What team did you play for?
Sao Paoulo its a big country in Brazil.

What Postition did you play?
Center Striker

Where you born in Brazil?
Yes that was the team I dreamed of playing for.

What was going thourgh your mind before the game?
I couldnt think at all I was so nervous I told my coach I was going to be sick but he said you will be fine.

What made you come down?
Nothing did i just did as what I do in soccer and that was play.

Where the other team or your teammates worse,same,or better than you?
It was all of the same ones In was suprised some of those people could play pro.

At halftime what was goin in your mind?
Well they scored its 1-0 and I was thinking we cant come back.

Did any other of your friends make pro?
No they all moved to America to start a new life but i didnt give up on my dream and I stayed in Brazil for 21 years and it finally came.

Did you want to move to America?
Yes i was thinking after my career.

What happened second half?
I was more calm and my time came and I SCORED!

How did you feel then?
....Awesome I thought I could do anything.

What was the final score?
2-1 my teammate Hugo Almedia scored and we became best friends.

Thats the story of Fransico Jr. Fernandes He didnt get to finish his career because of a knee injured at the age of 25. He said he loved the experince.Thanks JR!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

09-11-01 A Tragedy Remembered

9-11 is the day the World Trade Center Twin Towers fell. In this interview I will be interviewing my Dad Damon Butler about the 9-11 tragedy. The 9-11 tragedy is a sad historical event that everyone will always remember. On this day four commercial passenger jet airliners were hijacked by 19 Al-Waeda terrorists and two were crashed into the Twin Towers. A third plane crashed into the Pentagon and the fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. I was only 3 years old when this happened but always see information on it when the date September 11th happens. Almost 3,000 people died that day.

The following is an interview with Damon Butler on his memory of the 9-11 Tragedy:

Question: Where were you when you first found out about the 9-11 attacks?

D.B.: At home getting ready for work. My Wife Nicole called me and told me to turn on the TV. She said that planes were crashing into buildings in New York City.

Question: What was your first reaction when you saw what was happening on TV?

D.B.: Confusion. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I remember the newscaster saying that a plane hit one of the Twin Towers. Then they showed the building. Minutes later, another plane hit the other Twin Tower. I thought, what are the odds? It must be terrorists. It was the craziest thing I’d ever seen. So many emotions.

Question: What happened next?

D.B.: They kept reporting on the tragedy, showing the burning towers. Then other reports came in on other planes being off course. A report came on that another plane hit the Pentagon. At around that time, the next thing I saw was footage of people running away from the Towers, people falling from the windows, rescue workers running to the Towers. Then the unthinkable happened. One of the Towers collapsed. It was like holding your breath. Watching with silence as no one could even talk or think knowing that people were still in that building. Then the second Tower collapsed.

Question: After you saw all of this, what were you thinking?

D.B.: Anger. I remember thinking, how dare someone attack us right here in the United States. I knew it had to be a terrorist attack. Then safety and protection. I remember thinking about my Wife, Children, and Co-Workers. I called everybody I could. The crazy thing is that I had some of my staff going to Chicago for training and I called them and told them to turn around and come back to the Quad Cities. They had no idea what had happened. I’ll be honest. As a former Officer in the United States Army, I wanted justice and had many emotions running through me.

Question: How did things change after 9-11?

D.B.: It will never be the same for me personally. Security at airports got extremely tough. I don’t think anyone was comfortable flying. So many things changed. So many things. The world as we knew it changed forever after that day.

The date 9-11 means so much too so many people. It’s tough to imagine what it was like when the attacks happened back in 2001. Anger, sadness, frustration, fear, revenge...hopefully I’ll never have to experience a tragedy like 9-11.

Drake B.

Book Clubs Videos

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Distructive day

Because the terrorist in Iraq are against freedom and America has freedom.
The terrorist of Iraq slammed 2 planes into the Twin Towers and one almost hit the white house.
The terrorist of Iraq did it to America.
In New York city and Washington D.C
September 11th 2001.
Around 5000 people in the building.
Everyone that was in the building died.
Everyone that was in the building died no survive rs.

The Twin Towers were blown up September 11th 2001.It was one of the most sad times in America.Two planes drove right into the Twin Towers.There was one more plane that tried to crash into the white house bu the passengers stopped them.

Tommy S.

Water Wars!!!

I am interviewing my mom on what happened in Des Moines, Iowa in 1993. Here is her side of the story!

Where were you and what were you doing the time the flood was announced?

"I was at home with my dog watching T.V."

How did you feel when you found out?

"Shocked and a little scared at the same time. But I mainly felt worried for people who lived closer to the river."

Were you affected in any way if so how?

"I couldn't wash my clothes or take showers for 10 days it was a stressful time for most people."

Did you or others you know lose anything in the flood?

No but some of my friends lost most of the items they had in their basement they had to move somewhere else but some people weren't that lucky."

What exactly cause the flood in the first place?

"From days of rain which caused the Raccoon River and the Des Moines River to over flow and flood most of downtown Des Moines and other states were affected to."

How and when did you hear about the flood?

"From watching T.V."

What was your reaction when you found out about the flood?

"I was really sad and worried because I didn't know when it would end so I just had to pray and hope for the best."

How did others react to the horrifying news?

"They were sad scared and worried just like I was everybody for once chances are they felt the same way."

Did the flood bring people together if so how?

"Yes it did bring people together by having us work as a team to get the job done and accomplish something we would soon figure out pays off when you have someone to be there helping."

I learned alot from interviewing my mom I also learned that if you work together the hard work pays off in the end but also that the flood didn't just wreck houses and other structures it made history.

I hope you enjoyed reading my story!

By Mercedes B.

The Heroic War

The Heroic War

By Dmitriy H
Interview of Wanda H

The Vietnam War started in 1957 when communist North Vietnam began to attack the government and officials of South Vietnam. These terrorists who fought in the guerilla warfare were called Viet Cong.

South Vietnam was supported by the United States who sent advisors. Combat troops were sent in 1965.

What did you feel when the Vietnam War happened?

I felt bad when the Vietnam War happened because the young boys were sent to the war and being killed. Any young man who didn’t attend college was automatically drafted.

Which of your siblings were in the Vietnam War?

My brother joined the army but he could have been drafted because he just dropped out of college, too.

What was good about their experience?

War is never a good experience. He made new friends, but didn’t need to have made those friends in the war.

What was bad about the Vietnam War?

Once again people die. The war was supposed to be to stop communism. We weren’t sure that the soldiers should have been there.

What scared you about the Vietnam War?

First of all I was scared that my brother, young men and friends might die. I didn’t
like the division of our country. I didn’t like people not following rules.

What was the reason they went?

Some people believed it was necessary to stop the spread of communism around the world.

I want to know more about how you felt when your brother went into the Vietnam War.

I was upset that he didn’t stay in college and avoid going to the war.

What were you doing when the Vietnam War happened?

I was in school and I was in my senior year. And when my brother came home I was in my second year of college.

Where were your parents?

Well my dad left our family. My mom took care of me, and my sister was in her apartment.

What did you do when the Vietnam War ended?

I rejoiced I was teaching school and was extremely happy .Happy to see people come home to their family.

What did your brother do in the War?

He was a combat engineer. They build the bridges during the day and the enemy tore it down during the night.

I interview my mom. Lots of people died but it was a great war. People were sad but they never forgot that day. Dmitriy H

Friday, November 20, 2009

Do human being grow most in times of trouble or joy?

Please read and respond to Mr. Ovenell-Carter's question for you.

Do not respond to this post. Click on the conversation link right below this and respond there.


Weekend Open Thread #5 - CNN Student News

Please watch this video and leave a reaction. The video is ten minutes long.

Oh My What A Horrible Day

And what a horrible day it truly was when the only Challenger went up,
then came down. Today I am going to share with you what my mother had to say about how she felt about the Challenger Mission. Challenger was a space mission to bring the first teacher into the sparkling darkness that lies just outside of our reach.

Were you and your friends exited for the upcoming mission?

No Iwas not, infact Idid not have any care at all for the mission, though I did know that Kathy Craiger was sooo exited because her dad was about to find out if he had almost got to be the first teacher in space!
When did you hear about the crash and how did you feel?

Since I was living in Japan, I heard the terrifying news the morning after. My entire family was bunched up around the television like a crowd in a moshpit at the American Idol Finallies! But we definateley weren't that happy though. More like a silent, can't move a muscle kind of moshpit. I felt confused really, but as the days went by my additude just kept getting worse.

Did you and your friends talk about the accident?

Is that even a question to ask? I talked and talked with my friends about it for months, and months later, I remember Kathy sobbing when she heard about the terrible news that the Challenger had exploded. We asked ourselves so many questions like; When did she really die? When she hit the ground, or when it exploded? , and ; Why did they even want to send a teacher up there? If only that one bolt or screw had been fastened in, then none o this could have happened.

What were your own personal feelings about the accident?

I remember being so confused. Confused is the emotion that took over all of the other emotions. Even though I was also sad for Kathy and her thankfully alive father Mr. Craiger, I was kind of mad at the space people for even wanting to send a teacher into space in the first place!

What were your ister's feelings about it/ how did she react?

She was so sad, mostly for the teacher. She also asked herself, "How could this happen?", and,"What did the teacher do to deserve this?"

Do you still think about it?

All of the time, Iremember visiting the Challenger Memorial. That made me cry more than ever. And this summer when we went to NASA and saw the plaque with her face and handprint I just about fell apart.

The horrible day will always interrupt our memories as we go back to think about that day, even those of us who weren't even born yet get a sickening feeling in our stomachs. That was my mom's point of view on the Challenger Space Mission.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

History Changed

The story of the man on the moon changed everything. That day history changed.

How old were you when the first man walked on the moon?

I was 15 years old.

Was it exciting to you, if so why?

Yes, it was exciting because we saw history being made, and no one has been on the moon before.

What were you doing at the time?

I was at my grandpas house, and watching it on black and white T.V.

Did it make you more interested in space?

Yes, because someone was on the moon!

Do you remember what he said, if so what.

"One small step for man one giant step for mankind."

Did people talk about it the next day?

Yes, all around the world. It was the story of the century.

Do you think it changed anything, if so why?

Yes, it changed lots of things! Like outer space could happen. We did something people thought could not happen.

The man walking on the moon, I was not alive at that time. It didn't mean that much to me. Now I know it changed history. I will never forget how important this event was.

Emma G

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Revision policy

With rubrics being passed out for the Historical Interviews, this is a good time to remind everyone of the revision policy. To read through the policy, go to the Help Center, then click on revision policy.

Remember to follow each step. Also, remember that I have written with highlighter the date that your revisions must be turn back in to me.

Mr. G

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Great Grammar Fair

Students are currently working on their Great Grammar Fair booths. For an explanation of the assignment, see this link and/or ask your student.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Today we recorded our debate over the disappearance of Amelia Earhart.  

Do you feel you act differently when the camera is rolling? 

Does having the camcorder going make you think, act, or share any differently from how you normally would?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Flood Of 2008

This event was frightful for the people who lived in Cedar Falls, Des Monies, and Waterloo. For us it meant a little sadness for our family up there. This is an interview of Steve B.

Where were you when you heard about the flood?
I was at home watching the news.
How was it to hear about the flood?
Concern of our family. Relief of not having to deal with it.

Was it scary or not to know your family was up there?

Did you have any family that had there house flooded? What was that like?
You had to move stuff around.

Did you pray for them?
Yes we prayed for them. We also hoped that the stuff was replaceable.

When you visited what was it like?
It was hard to get around.

How did your family react?

We had concern for our family.

How did you react?
Relief of not going to have to repair things.

Is it weird going back now?
Fells good that all the water is going down.

Was anyone in your family?

Explain how you fell that no one was hurt.
Relief that they didn't. The house was replaceable.

Do you know if someone was hurt that is not in your family?

Did anything change or effect your life?
Not really.

How is the person who got there house flooded doing?
Doing good. Back into the house.

Do you think that things can travel for miles?
Yes, because someone found a refrigerator in there front yard. It was not .

I fell like floods are more serious than before. I thought they got warned and you would be safe.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Day Things Changed

The Space Challenger exploded in January of 1986, I interviewed my mom about she went through and she felt like when it happened. It was the day thins changed!

What was going through your head at the time?
It didn't seem real, like it wasn't happening.
Where were you at the time?
I was still in High school.
Were you afraid of this happening again?
Not really at the time but when the next space shuttle launched I was a little nervous.
How likely do you think this is of happening again?
I think it is about 10% likly to happen again.
Has there been anything similar to it?
Yes, there was something else that blew up but I don't remember it that well.
Where did the explosion happen?
Over the Atlantic Ocean.
How did it happen?
Just some bad parts used to make it.
Is there a memorial, if not do you think there should be one?
There might be one near Cape Canaveral

The explosion of the space shuttle was a very sad times especially for those who lost loved ones. When it happened it was with in less than a minute after the launch it exploded right over the Atlantic Ocean. And that is why it was the day things changed.

Brett H.

What Clothes Should I Wear

One day these two kids named George and his friend Frank were listening to rap music and they were dressed like rappers. So, their parents cam out and said, "Don't dress like that. You can only dress like a rapper today every year." So, every year on September 12th they dressed like rappers. They listened to rap music and then all the kids at school noticed, so they started dressing like rappers on September 12th. They realized if they wanted to be cool they should dress like rappers too. Then one day someone told them to tell a news reporter about their decision to dress like rappers on September 12th each year. Then each year after that everybody in the world dressed with a big shirt, way to big pants and hat backwards.

Nick V.

The Day the World Changed

The day the world changed was on September 11th 2001. When two planes crashed into the Twin Towers and another tried to crash into the Pentagon. Resulting in 2,985 people dying.

Where were you on September 11th?
I was in downtown Washington D.C.

What do you think of 9/11?
I think it was a horrible tragedy.

How did it affect you?/Were you planning on flying that day?
I was supposed to fly home that day but they canceled all flights so I had to drive home.

What was it like driving instead of flying?
Long roads, it was very crowded.

What did you do with the rental car?
I kept the car and then returned it to the Kansas City airport.

What were you concerned about?
My family and other planes crashing into buildings.

Did you know anyone in the pentagon?
Yes, I had dinner with a guy from the CIA on Sunday night.

Did you know anyone that was on a plane that day?

Were you in any danger?
I thought because I was on the 10th floor of the building I was in that another plane could crash into us.

What was your first reaction?
I tried to call Tarra (my mom) to let her know I was ok, but I couldn't because so many cell phones were being used.

What were everyone else's reactions?
It was very chaotic. Everyone was really scared and rambunctious.

How long did it take you to get home?
It took us 18 hours for the whole trip.The first day we spent 9 hours driving to Akron, Ohio and then spent the night. Then the next day we drove 9 hours home.

How long did it take you to get out of D.C?
It took us 2 hours to get out of D.C.

Zach S.