Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sailing Anyone?

Do you have a favorite summer activity? I think that sailing is the best summer activity. It's ecspecially fun when the waves are big and you rock back and forth. It's always wavy where the yacht club is. I am going to tell you about the pros and cons of each side.

Sailing is the best summer activity because it's something to do. A lot of kids get bored in the summer and they need something interesting to entertain them. Sailing is perfect! Sailing also teaches you how to cooperate with others, because you have to work together so the boat doesn't tip over. In sailing you don't just do one thing you do multiple things which make it interesting. You can steer the boat, run front or main sail, and much more.

However, I can understand how you may think that sailing is a great activity. You might not have access to a sailboat so therefore you wouldn't think sailing is fun. Some people might not be able to take lessons for various reasons, so you can't learn how. Others just get so stuck to one thing that they aren't willing to try other things.

I think that sailing is a great activity to do in the summer on those blazing hot days, because you are on water to cool you off. It is just something to keep you busy.

Molly A.

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