Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Parent Teacher Conferences Update

Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for the evenings of Thursday, November 5, and Monday, November 9!

  • A mailing will be sent to you in the next week confirming your date/time.  If you have not yet signed up for a time, please contact the office at 987-5177.
  • We are in need of parent volunteers to help us with this event.  If you are available and interested in helping, please email Jill Urich, principal, at jurich@waukee.12.ia.us.  Please specify your availability:  November 5 from 3:15-5:30, November 5 from 5:15-7:30, November 9 from 3:15-5:30, and/or November 9 from 5:15-7:30.   (Please note that if you do sign up to help on the same evening as your child's conference, your conference time lasts 45 minutes.)
  • We look forward to spending time with you on November 5 and 9!

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