Friday, October 2, 2009

The most fishy holiday of the year!

Do you like oceans? Well this holiday is for you! Here is the story on how it started. One day I walked to the aquarium with my sister. As I walked into the aquarium I could smell the fish food. I could taste the smell of fish food in my mouth. It was gross. It taste like sea food. As I was looking at the large fish tank I pointed to the picture of a fish on the glass to my sister. The glass felt as cold as an ice cube melting in your hand. I could hear a lot of chatter but there were a couple of people who stood out to me. They had large plastic fish tanks on their heads and blue outfits. So my sister and I had the crazy idea to start a holiday. International Dress Like An Ocean Day. So we wrote a letter to the government and they accepted it. So every year on October 20th everyone dresses like an ocean. In school, at your house, everywhere. People celebrate the holiday by having parades everywhere. That is how International Dress Like An Ocean Day started.

Alyssa R.

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