Sunday, October 4, 2009

Food and Alot of People

I.A.P.D. is Internatinal Awesome Party Day. When you have awesome parties all day! I made it up when I was at an awesome and I thought on this day every one should have an awesome party! Me and all my friends always celebrate every year on June 17. One June 10 ( 1 week from I.A.P.D. ), we went to a T.V. station and asked them to tell people to celebrate I.A.P.D. on June 17. Luckly they were having a slow news day and were happy to put it on tonight and on June 17. Some how it got spread to other T.V. stations all over the U.S. and still spreading! We were so excited every one knew about I.A.P.D.. Even all the schools were having parties because us. I.A.P.D. is the best holiday ever!!! 

Grace M.

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