Friday, October 9, 2009

Interviewing Demos

Leave a comment on this post that talks about what you saw in these two interviews. Compare the first interview to the second interview.

What did you see that is different between the two?
What did you see that is the same?

Questions from the first interview:

  1. So I hear you're a baseball fan?
  2. Who's your favorite team?
  3. Have you been to any Twins games?
  4. Did they win?
  5. You're also a teacher?
  6. How long have you been teaching?

Questions from the second interview:

  1. So I hear you're a baseball fan?
  2. Ok, can we talk about it?
  3. Who's your favorite team?
  4. Why are they your favorite team?
  5. So you've been up there before?
  6. Tell me about one of your favorite games...
  7. Who's your favorite player?
  8. Can you tell me why he's your favorite?
  9. Are there any stats that stand out for him?

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