Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blackout ceremony

There were once four friends named Phil Chuck bill and Jojo. Suddenly Jojo fainted! The other 3 friends ran to Jojo. It turned out to be just a prank. That is when they all got the idea that everyday on August 25th that they would keep playing the prank. very soon they decided to spread it to the world. They messaged the president and he loved the idea. He put in newspapers and sometimes on the news. Sadly though it started out very very very small. 1 out of 100 people even knew what it was. so the four guys and the president came up with an idea. So when the president was giving his normal boring speech he suddenly blacked out. While the body guards with cool sunglasses ran after him they realized it was all just a joke! After that it seemed like the world was in a riot! So everybody started doing it. And so that is how play dead like an opossum holiday began. 

By:Brandon B

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