Friday, October 2, 2009

I- Am-A-Robot

This story is about International Act like a Robot Day and how it came to be.
One day on February 28th, I was playing Wii Fit at my house with my friend. The game I was playing was ski jump, you have to lift your arms up then down. I could smell the excitement in the air. I could taste the joy tingle in my mouth. I could see "me"(my person in the game) jump and land it. I could hear my friend roar when I landed a big jump. After my last jump my friend said, "You look like a robot"! So I started to talk like one,"I-am-a-robot"!(Sounding like a robot) We made a deal that on February 28th everybody acts like a robot. My friend told her friend and her friend told her friend and so on. Now on February 28th everybody acts like a robot! (well everybody thathas spirit) And that is how International Act like a Robot Day came to be!!!

Ally M.

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