Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Which Series?

Still can't find a book or series to read? Well, that problem is solved. I have the perfect 2 series for you to read. But these are very different series. I shall tell you why.
The first series is Twilight. Now I know not everyone likes them. Well, most people have not read them. The first book of the series, Twilight, is mainly about vampires. The main characters are Bella, Edward, and Jacob. This series is a very long series. I'm talking 4 very thick books. Beware they will take awhile to read unless you are a fast reader.
The next series, Harry Potter, is a series young readers love. But this series is very different then Twilight. The first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, is about wizards. The main characters are Harry, (Hence the series name) Ron, and Hermonie. This series has 7 books. They get thicker as you go into the series. The first few, are not as thick, but packed-full of adventure.
Both of these series include fictional characters. Obviously we can't fly and we are not vampires. These books are both written by female authors. Stephenie Meyer, and J.K. Rowling. Finally, these series are very popular. I don't think I've met someone who hasn't heard of these series.
Now that I've told you about 2 of my absolute favorite series, I hope you might read them someday.

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