Sunday, April 25, 2010

Birthday Bashes And Boring Books

When you think of birthday parties and books,
do you instantly think of something? No! Because these two subjects have nothing to do with each other!!! But that's what you think, they have a lot in common!
Birthday parties have themes and books have genres!
There are many themes to a birthday, you could have a pirate theme, a swimming theme, a car theme, a tea party theme and lots more!!! Books have genres, some genres are nonfiction, fiction, historical fiction, realistic fiction, science fiction, mystery, and fantasy.
You may not think about it but books and parties give us feelings,
like if a book is pretty sad you start to feel sad or upset, or if a birthday party is really lame you feel bored! Some parties and books can effect your emotions sometimes!
Usually it takes days to read a book but,
It only takes a few hours to celebrate a birthday party. Most people would rather go to a birthday party than read a book. There's more socializing at a birthday party than there is when you are reading a book.
Birthdays come once a year, but books are published everyday!
But one thing for sure is that birthday parties and books are both enjoyable to everyone!

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