Friday, September 18, 2009

Kill it!

I was so excited I just called Luke to see if I could go to his house.He said yes.He picked me up in his car. I could hear the engine roar when he pulled up. The seats were so soft and smelled so awesome. I was so excited. We pulled up to Luke's house, it looked sweet.

I could hear Luke's dog barking. It smelled alright, but the ground was so hard and it was so trendy. We got out of the car and saw a furry little ground squirrel. It was shuttering. We chased it into its hole. It smelt awful. It was so cool that we found a ground squirrel.

We started poking at it when it jumped out of its hole and it made a weird sound. It startled me so I hit it with a stick. Then Luke drilled it with a bat. It started groaning. We killed it! I knew it was dead when it stopped moving.

Then we started talking about how freaked we were. It smelled rotten. So we picked up the furry little creature in the weeds.

   Jacob M

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