Imagine yourself on a bright, scorching summer day. The boat pulls you up and your off! You decide your done after a while of pure fun and let go of the rope. Swimming back to the boat, climbing up the ladder at the back of the boat, then grabbing a towel. You hands are all blistered and hurt from the rope but you know it was worth it.
Kneeboarding and Skiing are very similar. First they both are done on the water and behind a boat. And when your up you can fall and get stuck under either the kneeboard or the ski(s). You can also use the same rope for both sports.
When you're skiing you need to push yourself up. When the boat starts you push on your feet and stand up straight. You can also ski with two skis together,(A long rectangular shaped thing that connects your skis so they stay together and not go different directions) two skis seprate, or slalom skiing. (only 1 ski) When you fall you can also hit your head on one of the skis and get a bump or worse....STITCHES!
Kneeboarding is alsoa GREAT sport to do. When you're kneeboarding you start by laying on the board witht the rope in both of your hands. Then when the boat picks up speed you slide your knees up onto the board. Then you hlod onto the rope with one hand and get the knee strap over your knees. When you fall off the kneeboard you can just tip right over. You can get hurt a lot easier on a kneeboard in my opinion. You also can only kneeboard with 1 kneeboard, you can't slalom like skiing.
I hope someday you will go try skiing, kneeboarding, or both. I can gurantee you that you will enjoy it. I know I do!
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